
Alda Merini, the most beautiful phrases, poems and quotes of the Italian poet

The film «Folle d'Amore-Alda Merini» directed by director Roberto Faenza will be broadcast on Rai Uno on Thursday 14 March.
The film, freely inspired by the book «Why I lost you» by Vincenza Alfano, tells the life of Alda Merini, a Milanese poet who was a symbol of the twentieth century.
Laura Morante played her while Alda Merini as a young woman was played by the actresses Rosa Diletta Rossi and Sofia D'Elia.
Alda Merini is considered one of the most important figures of twentieth-century Italian literature.
Although she remained locked up in a mental hospital for a long time, this did not prevent her from being consecrated as one of the most important figures of the last century.
Alda Merini: biography Alda Merini was born in Milan on 21 March 1931 into a modest family.
Second born of three children, her parents were Nemo Merini, employed in an insurance company and the housewife Emilia Painelli.
After completing elementary school, Alda attended the three-year introductory course and sought admission to the Ginnasio Alessandro Manzoni high school but failed because she did not pass the Italian test.
His vocation for literature was precocious and he began writing poetry at the age of 15.
His works, through a former teacher, managed to reach a literary critic who published them in the Anthology of contemporary Italian poetry 1909-1949.
In 1947 the first shadows appeared in her mind and she was interned for a month in a psychiatric clinic.
After the difficult relationship with the writer Giorgio Manganelli ended, in 1953 Alda married Ettore Carniti.
This marriage will be very troubled.
In 1955 the first daughter Emanuela was born, two years later it was Flavia's turn.
The poet experienced a difficult period from 1964 to 1972 when she was interned in the Paolo Pini Psychiatric Hospital.
During the periods of return to the family, two more daughters were born, Barbara and Simona, entrusted to other families.
The dramatic experience in the mental hospital gave him the incentive to return to writing in 1979.
Writings contained in what can be understood as his masterpiece: Holy Land, with which he won the Librex Montale Prize in 1993.
Widowed in 1983, the following year she married the poet Michele Pierri with whom she moved to Taranto.
Following Pierri's death in 1988, the poet returned to Milan.
Since 1989 he has returned to the poetic spotlight thanks to numerous collaborations with different publishers, illustrators and photographers on the Italian scene.
The publications Delirio amoroso (1989) and Il tormento delle figure (1990) date back to this period.
In the following years other works were published: The words of Alda Merini, Void of love, Hypotenuse of love, The marshland of Manganelli or the king's monarch, Titan love around.
In the 90s Alda Merini dedicated herself to increasingly shorter verses and in 1999 her collection of aphorisms was released.
Suffering from sarcoma, she died on November 1, 2009, at the age of 78.
He rests in the monumental cemetery of Milan in the Crypt of Famedio.
The sound of the shadow.
Poems and prose by Alda Merini €26.60 €28.00 Buy now The most beautiful phrases by Alda Merini I always wake up in shape and I deform through others.
Don't try to catch the poets because they will slip through your fingers.
Who decides what is normal? Normality is an invention of those who lack imagination.
I often enlighten others but I always remain in the dark.
I was born on the twenty-first in spring but I didn't know that being born crazy, opening the clods could unleash a storm.
People like me look forward, even if the heart always remains a few steps behind.
My God, explain to me how to love the flesh without kissing its soul.
The more they leave me alone the more I shine.
Sensitivity is not a woman.
Sensitivity is human.
When you find it in a man it's poetry.
I'm not beautiful, I'm just erotic.
Wickedness belongs to fools, to those who have not yet understood that we will not live forever.
The most beautiful poems are written on stones with wounded knees and minds sharpened by mystery.
To you who ask me how to write, I say: having a terrible pain inside.
Our era is a gigantic bubble of solitude.
Aphorisms and magic by Alda Merini €10.92 €11.50 Buy now

Author: Hermes A.I.

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