
Gps Rankings 2024/2026 for Substitutes: What to Do While Waiting for the Order

How to Prepare for the Provincial Lists for GPS Substitutes 2024/2026

To arrive prepared for the Provincial Lists for GPS Substitutes 2024/2026, while waiting for the Ministry of Education and Merit to publish the Ordinance, teachers or aspiring ones might wonder what to do, if there are any preliminary steps to take.
Doubts and anxieties could mainly afflict those who are first entering the GPS Lists in order to obtain a substitute assignment in the next two years.
Even teachers already included in the list are not exempt from the nightmare of the GPS application, as they must proceed with updates every two years and deal with regulatory changes, with the terror of making mistakes in choosing the province or running into the frequent errors made by the territorial school offices that often end up assigning a different score from the one earned by the teacher.

Registration on Istanze Online for GPS 2024/2026

For those who are entering the GPS Lists for the first time awaiting the ministerial Ordinance for GPS 2024/2026, which may come in May, they must first proceed with their registration on Istanze Online.
Istanze Online is the platform for managing all bureaucratic practices concerning teachers, from substitute assignments to school competitions.
Registering on Istanze Online does not require being a teacher, so even those aspiring to teach for the first time, starting with substitutes, can proceed.
Since 2021, registration is much simpler as new users can access it with the Public Digital Identity System (Spid).
In addition to Spid, it is also possible to proceed with: Cie (Electronic Identity Card); Cns (National Services Card); eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services).
For those accessing Istanze Online for the first time for future inclusion in GPS, registration involves completing personal data and an adhesion procedure.
Therefore, before accessing the platform, aspirants who want to register on Istanze Online must obtain Spid or create another digital identity.
Once this preliminary operation is completed, to register on the platform you need to connect to the official website “Polis – Istanze Online.” In the bottom right corner, on the desktop version, you have to click on the “Log in” button.
A screen appears asking to log in with Spid.
At this point, you need to enter your personal information: address; phone contacts; identification data; privacy consents.
Then, a question is proposed for the retrieval of the personal code in case of forgetfulness, and it must be confirmed.
The user is then directed to the final page where it is possible to download the membership form, which is also sent via email.
After accepting, a screen to proceed with the mandatory modification of the Temporary Personal Code (CPT) appears.
A confirmation screen indicates that the registration was successful.
When the platform for the application for registration in the GPS Lists 2024/2026 is active, following the publication of the ministerial Ordinance containing the instructions, it will be possible to log in with Spid or other credentials on Istanze Online.

What to Do if You are Already Registered on Istanze Online for GPS 2024/2026

For those who are already registered on Istanze Online but need to proceed with the first entry in the GPS Lists 2024/2026, or anyway need to update their score or change province, there are no specific requirements.
However, if access to the platform has not been made for some time, it is important to check if everything is in order; especially, if you have changed your email address, it is advisable to update it.
The provided email address will be used for subsequent ministerial communications and particularly for the convocation for substitutes from the Provincial Lists.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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