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AI at school with Intel and Junior Achievement Italia

Artificial intelligence taught at school with Intel and Junior Achievement Italia which accelerate its diffusion through innovative educational programs.
One of these projects, AI-ENTR4YOUTH, promotes the diffusion and understanding of AI among the young minds of the future and aims to train over 100 Italian secondary school students during the current school year.
AI is still in its early stages, but it promises to revolutionize entire industries, with the potential to have a significant impact on global gross domestic product.
It is predicted that by 2030 the digital economy could represent around 33% of global GDP.
It is therefore crucial to fill gaps in AI-related technical and social skills.
Let's see in detail what the AI-ENTR4YOUTH project is and how it works.
Intel and the digital future In this context, Intel has launched the Digital Readiness Program, an ambitious initiative aimed at training 30 million people in 30 countries by 2030.
Among the various modules proposed, AI for Youth stands out, designed to provide adolescents between 13 and 19 years old have the skills necessary to understand and use AI effectively and responsibly, even without programming experience but with a basis in mathematics and statistics.
Intel® Digital Readiness Programs include five main programs: AI for Youth, AI for Citizens, AI for Future Workforce, AI for Current Workforce, Digital Readiness for Leaders.
AI-ENTR4YOUTH, the project of Intel and Junior Achievement Italia AI-ENTR4YOUTH is the result of the collaboration between Intel and Junior Achievement Italia, the largest non-profit organization in the world dedicated to economic-entrepreneurial education and scholastic orientation.
This project aims to integrate AI for Youth modules into the educational curriculum of Italian schools, actively involving students in both curricular and extracurricular activities.
The program includes 52 hours in total, divided between teacher training and project development with students.
Teachers are trained in both synchronous and asynchronous modes, while students are involved in activities that include mentorship and developing AI-based solutions to real world challenges.
AI-ENTR4YOUTH encourages the formation of heterogeneous work teams, with and without programming skills, to create AI solutions and entrepreneurial projects that respond to real and territorial needs.
This initiative offers students the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge in various subjects to develop a complete business project, from the value proposition to the final pitch.
In Italy, the program has already involved a group of teachers in an advanced training phase (“train the trainer”) at the ITST Enrico Fermi of Francavilla Fontana (BR) and the Istituto Superiore Taramelli – Foscolo of Pavia, with the aim to train more than 100 students in this first pilot phase.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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