Crediti d'imposta

2024 Income Tax Refund: Estimated Timeline for 730 Model and Redditi – Stay Informed!

How to Request the Irpef Refund and Update for the Tax Period 2023

It’s time to apply for the Irpef refund, taking advantage of deductions and deductions provided for the tax period 2023.
With the income tax return, to be filed with model 730/2024 (with the possibility of also using the precompiled one available online) or with the PF Income model, the taxpayer can indicate a series of expenses that contribute to reducing the tax due for the last year.

Calculating the Refund

The final result of this recalculation can vary: if the Irpef paid in advance is higher than that due, then a refund is obtained; otherwise, in the presence of multiple incomes, a higher tax due may result compared to the amount paid, despite deductions and deductions.
In this case, we talk about a “debit” tax return, with the obligation for the taxpayer to pay the missing part by November of the same year.

Irpef Refund Timing

Answering the question about the timing of the income tax return reconciliation is not complicated, but there are several factors to consider: for example, whether the income tax return was filed with or without a substitute tax.
In the first case, it is the employer, or Inps in the case of pensioners, who carries out the reconciliation, while in the second case (which usually takes longer) it is the responsibility of the Revenue Agency.

Another factor influencing the response is the model used: the refund is faster for those using the 730/2024, while with the PF Income model, you may have to wait for over a year.

Model 730/2024 Refund Timeline

Although the general rules governing tax refunds have not changed, new timing for Irpef reconciliations has been introduced in recent years.
Even for the 730/2024 refund, there is no single date for everyone, but a flexible deadline linked to the date of filing the income tax return.

Details show that there are six time slots and six different frequencies for crediting Irpef refunds.
The first to receive the recognized amount – calculated based on the tax due, deductions, and tax deductions – are those who filed the 730 model by June 20, 2024.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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