
War, what will become of the West?

Towards the world war With Ambassador Elena Basile, author of the book «The West and the permanent enemy» published by PaperFIRST, we explored the crucial issues regarding the current state of the West, the risks connected to the conflict in Ukraine and Gaza , and the implications of the attack on Moscow along with ISIS's claim.
Ambassador Basile stressed that two years have passed since the start of the war in Ukraine, a conflict that continues to cause human losses and despair.
Meanwhile, a new conflict has occurred in the Middle East, resulting from the lack of a solution to the Palestinian question, a problem that has persisted for more than a century.
Both of these crises carry with them the danger of turning into global and nuclear wars.
Basile also highlighted that the media tends to narrate these situations following a dominant narrative based on an ethical and religious approach, emphasizing the clash between good and evil, rather than a rational and historical analysis of the facts.
The crucial question is to understand in which direction the West is heading in this context of global conflicts and ever-increasing international tensions.
Basile highlights the need to adopt a more rational approach based on historical and geopolitical understanding to effectively address these challenges.
As for the attack in Moscow and the claim of ISIS, Basile underlined the importance of carefully evaluating the implications and motivations behind such terrorist acts.
As ISIS seeks to spread terror through indiscriminate attacks, it is essential not to fall into the trap of their propaganda narrative.
At the same time, the attack in Moscow raises crucial questions about international security and geopolitical stability, requiring a thoughtful and coordinated response from the international community.
Elena Basile Elena Basile, after graduating from the University of Naples «L'Orientale» in 1982, began her career in the Italian foreign service in 1985.
Over the years, Elena continued to climb the ladder of his diplomatic career, with prestigious assignments around the world.
She spent three years in Budapest, Hungary, between 1999 and 2002, and from 2003 to 2007 was assigned to Lisbon, Portugal.
In 2008 she headed the OSCE section of the Directorate General for Political and Security Affairs of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demonstrating her expertise in international political issues.
Subsequently, from 2010 to 2012, he served as head of the North American countries unit at the same directorate.
From 2013 to 2017, she was Ambassador of Italy to Sweden, and from 2017 to 2021 to Belgium, helping to strengthen ties between Italy and these two countries.
Among his best-known books are the novel «Una vita elsewhere» (2014), finalist for the Rome prize, and the collection of short stories «Miraggi» (2018), which was translated in Belgium.
The interview At, we had the opportunity to interview Ambassador Elena Basile, author of the book «The West and the permanent enemy» published by PaperFIRST.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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