Roberto Vannacci

Vannacci candidate in the European elections? What he said and who he might introduce himself to

Roberto Vannacci candidate for the 2024 European elections? A few months after the very delicate community vote, with the sovereignists of the Old Continent who will try to remove the Popolari from the alliance with Socialists and Liberals to create a center-right majority in Brussels, rumors are increasing of a possible entry into the field of the general of 'Army.
Until last summer, the name of Roberto Vannacci was known only to insiders: one of the most prominent soldiers in our Army who during the war in Afghanistan was head of Task Force 45, the Italian military unit operating for ten years in the troubled Asian country.
However, when Vannacci published his first book Il Mondo al Contrario – a self-produced work – a media uproar arose due to the judgments expressed towards homosexuals, women, migrants and environmental issues.
Since then the general has become a public figure, with his book long topping the list of most purchased works on Amazon with around 100,000 copies sold.
The statements put in black and white on the pages of Il Mondo al Contrario, however, did not please the Army and Defense Minister Guido Crosetto.
Vannacci was initially removed from the leadership of the Military Geographic Institute, only to be appointed chief of staff of the Army Land Operational Forces Command.
Having become a sort of symbol of the local right whose thoughts would not find space in the country's media, the soldier has now received notification of the disciplinary findings.
While waiting to take up his new role – he is currently on leave for family reasons – Roberto Vannacci is increasingly courted by politics so much so that his candidacy in the European elections would seem to be very probable.
read also European elections 2024, when do you vote in Italy? Date, electoral law and polls Roberto Vannacci and the European elections How Il Mondo al Contrario was released, Forza Nuova proposed Roberto Vannacci as a candidate in the by-elections in Monza which took place in October.
The offer was declined but the general's descent into politics seems to have only been postponed.
“I remain a soldier but I exclude nothing” Vannacci declared to Corriere della Sera in recent days regarding his candidacy in the European elections, with the League having been pressing for some time to convince the soldier.
The words of Andrea Crippa, deputy secretary of the Northern League, were emblematic in this regard: "His ideas are absolutely compatible with our party".
The doors of the League would consequently not be open, but wide open.
Moreover, the League is shown to be in difficulty in the latest political polls, with Matteo Salvini that a good portion of his political future will be at stake in the European elections in June not only in the party, but also in Italy and Europe.
Vannacci could thus be the League's leading candidate in the European elections, a way to try to revive the Northern League which risks being overtaken by the Forza Italia-Noi Moderati-UDC list.
So will Roberto Vannacci's future be in politics? At the moment the answer is negative, but the feeling is that in addition to preparing a second book, the general is seriously thinking about a possible candidacy for the European elections, with the League ready to welcome him with open arms.
read also How much does Roberto Vannacci earn? Biography, salary and earnings of the general

Author: Hermes A.I.

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