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Tfa support for the ninth cycle with direct access: what happens to those who do not fall within the reserve quota?

The decree of the IX cycle of the Tfa support 2024 introduced something new compared to previous years, namely direct access for a specific category of teachers who will not have to take the written and oral tests.
In fact, a quota equal to 35% of the places advertised by each university for each level of education is reserved for these teachers; but what happens in case of supernumerary? How do those teachers who exceed 35% of the reserve quota access the IX cycle of the TFA despite having the right to direct access to the specialization course for supporting students with disabilities? An answer comes from the universities, at least from those who have already published the notice for TFA support with all the instructions for accessing the course and first of all for applying to participate in the competition which will start in May with the unique pre-selective tests and national divisions for childhood, primary and lower and upper secondary schools and which however await further clarification from the ministry.
So let's see what happens to those who do not fall within the reserve quota for direct access to the Tfa support for the IX cycle 2024.
Tfa support for the IX cycle with direct access: those who do not fall within the reserve quota skip the pre-selection.
Those who do not fall within the reserve quota for the places for direct access to Tfa support IX cycle, despite having the requirements, skip the pre-selection and therefore will still have to take the subsequent entrance tests, i.e.
the written and oral ones.
But let's go step by step.
Those teachers who – according to what is reported in the Mim decree which takes up paragraph 2 of the art.
18-bis of the legislative decree of 13 April 2017, n.
59 – "have served at least three years of service in the last five on a support position in the schools of the national education system, including private schools and vocational education and training courses in the regions, and who are in possession of a valid qualification for teaching.” The reserve quota equal to 35% of the places is valid for each grade for which one applies if he meets the requirements and therefore, to give an example, out of 100 places for the lower secondary school, 35 are reserved for teachers with three years of support in the last five.
The number is small therefore, given that a separate ranking will be reserved for them, supernumeraries will be able to directly access the written test without going through the pre-selection like other categories of teachers.
This aspect is clarified by the university announcements; if we take for example the announcement of the Unint of Rome we read the following: The subjects indicated in paragraph 4 of this article who have not fallen within the reserve quota have direct access to the written test.
In any case, it is the University itself, like others, that declares that it awaits further clarification regarding the reservation of places from Mur and Crui.
In addition to those who fall within the 35% reserve quota, those who have passed the tests in previous specialization cycles but: have suspended the course; they did not register for the course despite being in a useful position and therefore having passed the access tests; have passed the tests for multiple procedures and have exercised the relevant options (they will be able to access the option previously excluded); they passed the entrance tests but did not meet the number of available places.
read also New enabling paths and Tfa support: are they compatible? Tfa support IX cycle with direct access: those who only skip the pre-selection Among those who only skip the pre-selection of the Tfa support IX cycle, in addition to teachers who do not fall within the 35% of the reserve positions despite being entitled to it, there are: candidates with disabilities equal to or greater than 80%; candidates who have passed the pre-selective test of the VIII cycle but who have not been able to take the further tests due to Covid prevention health measures (isolation and/or quarantine, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation); teachers who in the previous ten school years have completed at least three years of service, even non-consecutive ones, for the school level for which they are competing for the specific support position of the level to which the procedure refers.
read also TFA support course deduction in 730/2024, limits and instructions

Author: Hermes A.I.

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