BTP Valore

BTP Valore: Yield, Minimum Rates, ISIN. Issue from May 6, 2024

Upcoming BTP Valore Issue in May 6

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has announced the upcoming issuance of the BTP Valore on May 6.
The minimum rates and the ISIN code have just been released.
The Ministry has communicated that the minimum guaranteed coupon for the first 3 years will be 3.35% and for the following 3 years (4th, 5th, and 6th year) it will be 3.90%.
The ISIN code for the placement period is IT0005594491.

Details of BTP Valore May 2024

The fourth issuance of BTP Valore has been defined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance as a “special issuance [that] offers the opportunity to invest in a very successful instrument,” both to savers who have never purchased BTP Valore and to those who have taken advantage of the previous three issuances and wish to increase their exposure.

It is worth noting that BTP Valore is specifically designed for small savers.
The duration of the bond in the upcoming May auction is 6 years, with a step-up mechanism for the coupon over 3+3 years.
The guaranteed minimum rates are 3.35% for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, and 3.90% for the 4th, 5th, and 6th year.

The final bonus, exclusively dedicated to the saver who purchases during the issuance and holds the BTP Valore until the maturity in May 2030, is set at 0.80%.
The minimum investment is also 1,000 euros and its multiples, ensuring the subscribed amount is always met.

ISIN for the placement: IT0005594491.

How to Buy BTP Valore (May 2024 Placement)

Similar to the three previous placements, BTP Valore is exclusively dedicated to small savers, who can purchase it through:

  • Their online banking platform if they have a securities account
  • A representative at their bank if they have a securities account
  • A post office if they have a securities account

It is important to note that the taxation applied to government securities, including BTP Valore, is 12.5%, which is levied on the received coupons and any loyalty bonus.
Furthermore, there is an exemption from inheritance taxes and, as per the 2024 Budget Law, the investment is excluded from the calculation of the ISEE up to a maximum of 50,000 euros, once the measure is definitively approved.

For the saver, it is always possible to proceed with the purchase or sale by turning to the market, at the conditions offered by the market at that particular time.
The placement dealers are UniCredit and Intesa Sanpaolo, and the placement will take place on the MOT, Borsa Italiana’s electronic market for bonds and government securities.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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