
Ukraine in the EU would be a wrong choice: the results of the Money.it survey

Ukraine in the EU would be a bad choice.
This is the response to the Money.it survey launched after, before Christmas, the European Council, taking the Commission's recommendations, decided to start accession negotiations which will now begin in March.
As can be seen from the results of the survey, which we remind you does not have a scientific but only indicative value as it was not carried out on a sample basis, for 74% of respondents Ukraine's entry into the European Union would represent a mistake.
This is a result of the survey – to which over 2,100 readers responded – which leaves little room for doubt and which clashes with the enthusiasm of Brussels, with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also saying she was satisfied with this acceleration in the accession process.
The only voice openly against Ukraine's entry into the EU was that of Viktor Orban, with the president of Hungary abstaining by not taking part in the vote, giving up however trying to blow up the whole thing by lacking the unanimity necessary for a green disc.
read also All the mistakes of the Meloni government in foreign policy.
Interview with Michele Geraci Ukraine in the EU? An error for the survey If on the one hand Ursula von der Leyen spoke of a victory for the EU after the approval of the accession negotiations for Ukraine and Moldova, the readers of Money.it, according to the response of the survey, do not seem to be very favorable to this accelerated by Brussels.
The nodes on the table are still different.
First of all, there are the reforms that Ukraine still needs to complete in order to become part of the community family: for von der Leyen Kiev would have complied with 90% of the European Commission's requests, while for Orban three out of seven objectives would not would have been achieved.
Then there are the doubts – and discontent – linked to the fact that Ukraine's entry into the European Union would divert a good portion of community funds to Kiev, money that would be taken away from other countries including Italy.
Finally there is the major question that is linked to the war against Russia: if Ukraine were to enter the EU before having put an end to the conflict and resolved every territorial dispute with Moscow, this would mean that all EU states would be called to intervene militarily alongside the new member.
All these reasons could have influenced the readers' vote, even if the path that could bring Ukraine into the European Union seems to have now been traced.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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