Operatore Socio Sanitario

How Much Does a Nurse Assistant Earn: Salary and Net and Gross Compensation

Salary and Earnings of Healthcare Assistants (HCA)

Healthcare Assistants (HCA) are essential figures in the healthcare sector, providing care and assistance to vulnerable individuals.
They cater to both the physical and psychological needs of their patients, aiming to fulfill primary requirements and enhance well-being, self-esteem, and social integration.

Salary Range for HCAs

The salary of a Healthcare Assistant varies depending on the work environment and the applicable National Collective Bargaining Agreement (Ccnl).
Those employed in the National Health Service (Ssn) fall under the recently renewed Ccnl for the 2019-2021 period.
The agreement also introduced a new classification system, placing HCAs in the category of Operators within distinct areas.

For individuals working in hospitals, the net income typically ranges between €1,100 and €1,300 monthly for those with at least three years of experience.
With 20 years of practice, the net salary can reach €1,500 to €1,800 for HCAs in the Ssn.

Conversely, salaries in private facilities, especially in cooperatives, are lower.
With three years of experience, HCAs may earn between €1,000 and €1,200, while those with two decades of experience might receive up to €1,600.

Gross Salary Overview for HCAs

The latest Ccnl for the public healthcare sector, effective until January 1, 2022, outlines the gross income for Operators, including HCAs.
The gross salary is set at €20,105.34 annually, equivalent to €1,675 per month across 13 payments, alongside additional provisions such as nursing-specific allowances and professional qualification bonuses.

In the private sector, the Aris/Aiop Healthcare Contract establishes an initial gross remuneration of €1,669.36 per month for HCAs.
After three years and progression to contract level B3, the annual gross income rises to €22,070.85, consisting of 13 payments, translating to €1,697.76 monthly.

For HCAs engaged through Cooperative Sociali contracts, falling under level D, the basic remuneration amounts to €1,511.24 for a C3-D1 level and €1,594.15 for D2.

Self-Employed HCAs with VAT

Healthcare Assistants can opt for self-employment, even providing services at the patient’s residence, subject to registering for VAT and the separate INPS Management.
When operating independently, HCAs determine their rates, often calculated on an hourly basis.

There isn’t a fixed tariff defining the earnings of self-employed HCAs; however, hourly rates typically range from €14 to €20 before tax and social security deductions.
Consequently, the net income can fluctuate between €8 and €12 per hour, depending on individual circumstances.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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