BTP Valore

BTP Value: Yield, Minimum Rates, ISIN Unveiled Today. Issuance from May 6, 2024

BTP Valore May 2024: New Issuance Announcement

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has revealed that the upcoming BTP Valore issuance is set for May 6.
Today, they will disclose the minimum rates and ISIN code for this savings instrument, tailored for small investors, marking its fourth placement after a successful auction in March.

Features of BTP Valore May 2024

This State bond is due in 2030, featuring a mechanism of increasing coupons to stay competitive in the market.
The guaranteed minimum rate, soon to be unveiled, is expected to align with the 3.62% average of the previous BTP Valore over the first three years and subsequent three.

The auction for the BTP Valore 2024 will run from Monday, May 6, to Friday, May 10, closing at 1:00 pm unless concluded earlier.

Details of BTP Valore May 2024

MEF describes this fourth issuance as a “special opportunity to invest in a highly successful instrument” for both new and existing investors.
The bond, aimed at small savers, spans 6 years with a 3+3 step-up coupon structure.
Holders until maturity in May 2030 are entitled to a final 0.80% premium.

With a minimum investment of €1,000, multiples thereof can be subscribed at face value (€100), commission-free during placement.
Stay tuned for MEF’s announcement today for ISIN, minimum rates, and overall attractiveness of the BTP Valore.

How to Buy BTP Valore (May 2024 placement)

Accessible via home banking or through a brokerage account, BTP Valore targets small savers, maintaining a 12.5% tax rate on yields and loyalty bonuses.
Additionally, it’s exempt from inheritance tax and may be excluded from ISEE calculations up to €50,000, pending final approval.

Investors can trade on the market’s terms by contacting UniCredit or Intesa Sanpaolo, the designated dealers, via MOT, Borsa Italiana’s electronic bond and treasury security market.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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