
Russia responds to hostilities by taking control of an Ariston subsidiary

Russia Takes Control of Ariston, Stirring Tensions

In 2023, Russia seized control of Ariston, generating over 100 million euros in revenue within the country.
The plant near Saint Petersburg spans 64,000 square meters with 300 employees.
Despite the company being legally based in the Netherlands, the move is seen as a response to Western hostilities, as stated by the Russian Embassy in Italy.

Russia’s Response to Western Hostilities

Russia has been pushing back against Western interference and sanctions by nationalizing foreign companies.
This aggressive approach aims to pressure these companies to sell under unfavorable conditions, granting Putin more leverage over frozen Russian assets in Europe.

Nationalization of Ariston and Italian Concerns

Dozens of companies, including Ariston, have faced temporary nationalization.
This move has alarmed Europe, with Italy being directly affected for the first time.
Despite reassurances of its temporary nature, no company has been returned following nationalization.
The Italian government demanded the repeal of the measure, considering it a breach of international law.

Russia’s Strategic Decree and Ariston’s Transfer

In April 2023, Russia signed a decree allowing the government to manage companies from hostile countries.
As a result, Ariston Thermo Rus, an Italian firm in Russia, was temporarily transferred to Gazprom Household Systems, a subsidiary of the state-run Gazprom.

Italy’s Diplomatic Response

Italy summoned the Russian ambassador, urging the reversal of the measure seen as a disregard for international norms.
The Russian Embassy stood firm on its decision, warning of severe repercussions if Russian assets were confiscated for Ukraine’s benefit.

Russia’s Triple Strategy

Russia’s move serves to retaliate against international sanctions, benefit from a lucrative economic plan amidst pressure, and assert its interests concerning Russian assets in Europe and the US.

Italy’s Dilemma within Global Alliances

Despite Italy’s discontent and discussions within the G7 and the EU regarding a suitable response, Russia remains steadfast in its policy.
The timing of these actions during Italy’s leadership of the G7 underlines Russia’s strategic motives.

Russia’s Accusations against Italy

The Russian Embassy accused Italy of sacrificing national interests for anti-Russian policies, emphasizing Moscow’s commitment to mutual relations.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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