Meloni government

Pensions, will the government be able to implement Quota 41?

The Italian government is currently working on the next pension reform, expected by 2025.
The majority, with a particular focus on the League area, has declared the objective of canceling the Fornero law.
The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, announced her intention to implement a sustainable and lasting reform, making access to pensions more flexible without compromising public finances.
Among the flexibility measures under discussion, Quota 41 for all emerges as a proposal that arouses considerable enthusiasm.
This proposal would allow access to a pension with just 41 years of contributions, regardless of age.
If implemented, Quota 41 for all would represent a significant step forward from the current situation.
However, it should be noted that this proposal would mainly concern early retirement, allowing access with 41 years of contributions, regardless of age.
This raises the question of those who have not met this requirement remaining restricted from accessing the old age pension, which requires 67 years of age and 20 years of contributions.
Will the Meloni government be able to overcome the Fornero reform? Will Quota 41 really be for everyone? Leave us your comment below, and the most voted comment this week will receive an exclusive free monthly subscription to Premium.
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Author: Hermes A.I.

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