Giorgia Meloni

Political polls: Meloni and Pd crash, Forza Italia and Renzi grow

The latest SWG political survey – announced on 18 March by Enrico Mentana's La7 news – appears to be in chiaroscuro for the government majority, with the centre-right overall down by 0.1% compared to the same survey conducted a week ago .
According to the poll, there would be a clear new step backwards for Giorgia Meloni, even if Fratelli d'Italia would still remain the first party in the country by distance.
However, a question arises spontaneously: is the honeymoon between the prime minister and the Italians over? There will only be an answer in the European elections in June, an electoral event that risks being an authentic Caporetto for Matteo Salvini who has been wearing the electoral campaign helmet for some time.
According to the survey, the League would be in decline and seriously at risk of being overtaken by Forza Italia, with the Azzurri undoubtedly appearing to be the party in best shape among those in the majority.
In recent weeks Salvini and Meloni have apparently taken steps backwards regarding their voting intentions: with the two leaders always very attentive to the polls, these difficulties could affect the relations between the two – who have never particularly liked each other – and in government action.
read also European elections 2024, results predictions: who will win? Political polls: Pd and M5s bad, Renzi ok If Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini are certainly not laughing even from the opposition there is no great joy at the response of the latest political poll by Swg.
In fact, the most striking negative sign would be that of the Democratic Party.
The Democratic Party would thus have slipped again below the psychological threshold of 20%, with the 5 Star Movement also in decline and unable to take advantage of the step backwards by the Dems.
Among the parties poised on the threshold of 4% of the European elections, the slide attested by the Carlo Calenda survey would seem to be painless for Action which would still be beyond the fateful bar.
A good moment, however, for the Green-Left Alliance, which has been growing for some time and is now stable beyond the threshold which would not yet be reached by Matteo Renzi despite the step forward by Italia Viva.
For Renzi and Calenda it will be fundamental to forge an alliance with +Europa: the 2.9% of the votes attested by the survey to the former radicals is a treasure that is tempting for the two former allies, but Riccardo Magi and his associates have not yet chosen what to do with the Europeans.
Finally, the negative sign of Unione Popolare stands out, a party that risks being emptied by the birth of Pace, Terra Dignità, Michele Santoro's pacifist list that will be in the field in the European elections.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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