Giorgia Meloni

Political Polls: Meloni and M5s Surge, Pd and Salvini Lose Ground, De Luca and Santoro Gain Support

Latest Political Survey Shows Shifts in Power Among Italian Parties

The most recent political survey conducted by Swg and released on April 15th by Tg La7 provides insights into the evolving landscape of Italian politics ahead of the upcoming European elections in June.

Center-right Coalition Dynamics

The survey indicates a positive trend for Giorgia Meloni and her party Fratelli d’Italia, despite not reaching the 30% mark.
Meloni’s leadership appears to remain solid in the voters’ intentions, potentially posing a challenge to Matteo Salvini’s leadership within the League.

Forza Italia finds itself in a peculiar situation following the agreement with Noi Moderati, with a decrease in popularity compared to the combined support of the two parties in the previous week’s poll.
The center-right coalition overall has experienced a slight 0.3% dip, although it remains a significant force in the country.

Challenges for the Opposition

The opposition parties face a complex scenario, particularly the Democratic Party, which seems to have been affected by recent legal issues.
In contrast, the Five Star Movement is on the rise and is now competing closely with the Democratic Party for the position of the leading opposition party.

Matteo Renzi appears to maintain a relatively stable position, supported by the newly formed coalition “United States of Europe,” which includes multiple parties and exceeds the 4% threshold required for European elections.

Carlo Calenda’s Azione and the Green-Left Alliance have shown progress in the survey, positioning them above the electoral threshold.
However, other movements like Libertà and Pace Terra Dignità still have ground to cover to secure their presence in the upcoming elections.

In conclusion, the Italian political landscape remains dynamic and subject to further twists and turns as the European elections draw near.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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