Elezioni europee 2024

Rai journalists revolt over new equal airtime rule for European elections

Controversy Surrounding the Italian Media Regulation Before the European Elections

In preparation for the upcoming European elections in June, the Agcom – Authority for Communications Guarantees – has approved a new regulation with the sole opposition vote coming from commissioner Elisa Giomi.

The Debate on Par Condicio

Par condicio, which encompasses the rules regarding mass media to ensure fair and balanced visibility for all political parties, has become a topic of discussion in Italy ahead of every major election.
The European elections scheduled for the 8th and 9th of June are no exception.
The regulation approved by Agcom, however, did not incorporate the rules outlined by Rai’s Oversight that stirred up journalists working at Viale Mazzini, who are now gearing up for potential protests.

Regarding the issue of par condicio during the electoral campaign for the 2024 European elections in Italy, the regulations set by Rai will differ from those of private broadcasters.
The contentious issue that has sparked outrage among the opposition and journalists at the State-owned company is the “need to provide timely information on institutional and governmental activities.”

The Rai Journalists’ Reaction

Following the decision of Rai’s Oversight on par condicio for the June European elections, the Usigrai – the Rai journalists’ union – released a harsh statement, which was also broadcast during various news editions.

The government majority has decided to turn Rai into its own loudspeaker.
This was achieved through the Oversight Commission, which approved a rule allowing government representatives to speak on talk shows without time constraints or the need for opposing views.
Furthermore, Rainews24 will be able to broadcast political rallies in their entirety, without any journalistic mediation, preceded only by an identifying graphic.

These actions do not align with our idea of public service, where the work of journalists is central in asking questions (even tough ones), verifying statements, and pointing out inconsistencies.
Therefore, dear viewers, we want to inform you that we are ready to mobilize to ensure you receive independent, balanced, and diverse information.

The heated words from the Rai journalists resonate with the strong opinions of the opposition, with the Democratic Party, the Left, and the Five Star Movement condemning the situation, even drawing parallels with the broadcasting regulations of the Eiar during the fascist era.

In conclusion, the controversies surrounding the Rai regulations ahead of the European elections seem destined to spark prolonged debates, with the paradox that private broadcasters will have stricter par condicio rules compared to the public service broadcaster.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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