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3,000 euro bonus in November for these 20 thousand workers

Increasingly, large companies support the income of their employees by granting production bonuses or other welfare measures: this month it was Ferrero's turn, today we highlight what has been done by Eni which in the November pay slip will provide a maxi bonus in favor of of 20 thousand employees (excluding managers).
On the other hand, in both 2023 and 2024 (given that the measure was confirmed by the recent maneuver) a flat rate of 5% instead of 10% will be applied to productivity bonuses, thus making this instrument even more attractive for companies.
So much so that Eni has invested approximately 85 million euros to adopt a plan of "extraordinary interventions" aimed at supporting the salaries of approximately 20 thousand employees of the energy giant in this particular historical period characterized by a high devaluation of salaries due to inflation.
Resources that are invested not only to recognize an extraordinary measure such as the bonus of 3,000 euros: equally, in fact, the value of the meal voucher that the company provides on days of work in smart working is also increased (while when working in where the company canteen service is available), as well as disbursing the petrol bonus up to the maximum amount allowed.
As already done in the past, therefore, we would like to highlight initiatives of this kind with the hope that many other companies will push themselves to emulate them: on the other hand, measures such as cutting the tax wedge are not enough to increase salaries, it is absolutely the contribution of employers is necessary.
Eni, extraordinary results and rewarded employees On the other hand, for Eni this is a period full of satisfactions: in 2022 a net profit of 13.3 billion euros was recorded, 4.3 billion more than the year before.
This is especially due to the rise in gas prices in Europe, which paradoxically also represents the motivation – or at least one of many – triggering the high inflation which led to the reduction in the purchasing power of wages.
So much so that growth shows no signs of stopping, even though energy prices have fallen again (but with the prospect of a new rise by the end of the year): at the end of the third quarter, in fact, Eni boasts a profit net of 6.66 billion, with adjusted operating profit estimates having been revised upwards (from 12 to 14 billion euros).
There are therefore all the favorable conditions to allow an investment of 85 million euros which will reward those who serve Eni: around 20 thousand employees, who will benefit from three upcoming measures.
Paycheck bonuses and more, Eni's interventions in favor of employees Already in November, Eni employees can smile at the introduction of three new features that have repercussions on their paychecks: first of all, as already widely anticipated, the recognition of a one-off bonus of 3,000 euros gross; after which, starting from November, the amount of the meal voucher awarded to workers on days spent in smart working will be increased, rising by 45%; finally, "in accordance with current legislation", a fuel (or electric charging) bonus worth 200 euros is recognized.
We remind you that the bonus is 100% tax-free.
In short, a very important corporate welfare intervention since, as stated in the company note, it supports "Eni people and their families", confirming the attention that the company recognizes towards human capital.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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