Speciale Talk Europa

The EU strategy on packaging recycling: follow the Money.it event LIVE

The event organized by Money.it and the European Parliament entitled "The EU strategy on packaging and packaging recycling" kicks off today, Friday 17 November at 5.30pm.
In the auditorium of the Swiss Chamber of Milan, partner of the initiative, in via Palestro number 2, MEPs and representatives of the productive and associative world will discuss the Directive on packaging and packaging waste – Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 2022/0396 (COD ) – which aims to reorganize production and promote the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of packaging waste.
The event will be broadcast live on this page starting at 5.30pm.
The program of the event "The EU strategy on packaging recycling" The program opens with greetings from Maurizio Molinari – Head of the European Parliament Office, and Fabio Bocchiola – President of the Swiss Chamber.
At 6pm there will be a round table entitled "European Green Deal and packaging: will it be the end of waste?", with the participation of Silvia Sardone, ENVI shadow rapporteur Packaging and packaging waste EU, Maria Angela Danzì, ENVI Commission, Andrea Campelli, Communications Director and External Relations COREPLA, David Doninotti, Secretary General of AICE, moderated by Maurizio Molinari, head of the European Parliament office.
At 6.45pm it will be the turn of the second theme – "Goodbye single-use: are we ready for reuse?" – in which Marta Schiraldi Safety, Health, Environment and Sustainability Head NESTLE', Barbara Meggetto, president of Legambiente Lombardia and the Hon Carlo Fidanza will take part, with the moderation managed by Antonella Coppotelli, Marketing & PR Area Manager at Money.it.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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