Polizia di Stato

State Police Recruitment: Deadline approaching for major call. Requirements and how to apply.

Italian Police State Competition Announcement for 1887 New Recruits

The announcement for the competition to hire 1887 police state recruits has been released.
The competition is reserved for volunteers who have served for a fixed period of one or four years, or for those with annual re-enlistment while in service or on leave.

The deadline to apply is by 23.59 on May 13, 2024, exclusively through the Public Administration recruitment portal, InPa.
Let’s go through the other requirements and stages of the competition.

Competition for 1887 Police State Recruits: Requirements and Application Process

The 2024 competition for police state recruits is only open to individuals who have experience as volunteers with a fixed one or four-year term in the Army while in service or on leave.
The application must be submitted by 23.59 on May 13, 2024, using the online procedure available on the State Police website in the section dedicated to public competitions or through the Public Administration’s InPa portal.

To access the platform, candidates must have Spid or Cie credentials.
As required in public competitions, candidates must also have a personal certified email address (PEC) for sending and receiving communications related to the competition.

Stages of the Competition

The competition will consist of several phases:

  1. written test;
  2. physical efficiency test;
  3. psychophysical attitude suitability assessments;
  4. evaluation of qualifications.

The written test involves answering a multiple-choice questionnaire on general knowledge.
The test is considered passed if the candidate scores no less than 6 out of 10.
Following this, a written ranking will be drawn up.
Only the top 3,800 candidates eligible for the written test will be called for the physical efficiency test and psychophysical aptitude assessments.

The physical efficiency tests include a 1,000-meter run, high jump, and push-ups.
There are different minimum requirements for men and women to pass the physical test.
Those who pass the physical efficiency tests and psychophysical aptitude assessments will then compete in evaluating qualifications obtained exclusively during the period of service as a volunteer with a fixed one-year term or annual re-enlistment.
This includes certificates, patents, service evaluations, missions, academic qualifications, licenses, course outcomes, specializations.

Afterwards, the examining committee will compile the final merit ranking, and the winners will be admitted to the training course.
The ranking, determined by the Chief of Police, will be published on the State Police website with a notice on the InPa public recruitment portal.

Upon completion of the course, the new police state recruits will be assigned to different locations than their province of origin or residence.

For more information, read about Public Contests Offering Salaries of 100,000 Euros Coming Later This Year.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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