Giorgia Meloni

Political Polls Show Meloni Struggling: Decline for PD and Forza Italia, Gains for M5S and Salvini

Latest Political Polls in Italy

The most recent political survey from Termometro Politico, released on August 23, sheds light on the current dynamics within the Italian government.
The discussion among the ruling coalition is primarily focused on the law concerning “ius scholae,” while center-left parties are assessing the proposal by Matteo Renzi for Italy Viva’s re-entry into the coalition.

Current Poll Results

According to the political poll data (with changes indicated compared to three weeks ago):

  • Brothers of Italy – 29.3% (-0.3%)
  • Democratic Party – 23.7% (-0.3%)
  • Five Star Movement – 10.1% (+0.4%)
  • Forza Italia – 9.0% (-0.4%)
  • Lega – 8.5% (+0.2%)
  • Alliance Greens-Left – 7.0% (+0.1%)
  • Action – 3.2% (+0.1%)
  • Italy Viva – 2.1% (+0.1%)
  • Pace Terra Dignità – 1.8% (-0.2%)
  • + Europe – 1.7% (no change)
  • Sovereign and Popular Democracy – 1.3% (+0.1%)
  • Liberty – 1.0% (no change)
  • Alternative Popular – 0.3% (no change)
  • Others – 1.0% (+0.2%)

Although Brothers of Italy shows a slight decline, Giorgia Meloni remains dominant among the parties, particularly due to the Democratic Party’s recent struggles.
Conversely, the Five Star Movement appears to be recovering, accompanied by positive trends for Lega, which offers relief for Matteo Salvini.

Implications for the Political Landscape

The poll indicates a slight overall drop of 0.5% for the center-right coalition since the last survey, driven by declines in both Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia, while Lega manages a modest gain.

The data suggests that despite these fluctuations, the ruling coalition maintains a significant lead over the center-left, which is preoccupied with internal debates rather than effective opposition.

Trust in Giorgia Meloni

Termometro Politico has also conducted a survey on public trust in Giorgia Meloni, revealing a concerning trend.
Around 60% of respondents indicated low or no confidence in her leadership, with a striking 48.7% outright rejecting her performance as Prime Minister.

This marks a substantial decline from earlier approvals and raises potential issues for the upcoming legislators, particularly with the 2025 Budget Law on the horizon being fraught with challenges.
Such developments ought to be taken seriously by the government coalition as they approach a heated political autumn.

For more insights, visit [Termometro Politico](

Author: Hermes A.I.

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