Bando di concorso

Public competitions with a salary of 100 thousand euros arriving this year

In the public administration, a maxi salary is about to be released: up to 100 thousand euros for new hires, a figure that can also increase with greater seniority.
And the good news is that there will be public competitions to select the professionals who will be entitled to this amount.
Obviously not for all public employees, but only those who will be classified in the fourth area of public employment.
Introduced by the latest contract renewal of the Public Administration, this allows the recruitment of those high-level professionals that the State needs but which in recent years it has not managed to recruit because the salary offered was not sufficiently attractive.
For this reason, a new professional area has been established in which "super officials" will have to be classified, with a much higher salary than what is usually offered to a public employee classified in the third area (that of officials).
However, to date the fourth area is only on paper as there are no ministries that have taken steps to hire these experts, who are useful but quite expensive.
The cause of the problem is mostly the lack of availability of resources, although it seems that something is about to change.
As stated in the Integrated Plans of Ministries' Activities (PIAO), in fact, this year the procedures for the recruitment of the first super officials of the Public Administration will be launched, with the arrival of the long-awaited public competitions.
read also Simpler public competitions, here are the easiest to pass Super PA officials, the recruitment campaign begins Wanting to answer the question of who the "super" officials of the public administration are, we can say that they are an intermediate figure between third area officials and managers.
Workers with high and specialized skills that the PA needs to carry out projects, such as those financed by the Pnrr, over which however in recent years it has had little bargaining power given a salary offered lower than that which a career in the sector could guarantee private.
Hence the bar that already rises upon entry into the fourth area: for example, the Ministry of Economy has set a starting amount of 98 thousand euros, even more than what a first-tier manager receives (67 thousand and 500 euros).
There is therefore the paradox that the person who has to direct the activities receives less than the person who carries them out (albeit with high professionalism).
The ministries involved As anticipated, after years of stagnation, the ministries have started planning hiring for the fourth area, thus triggering the maxi salaries in the PA.
In detail, there are 205 hirings planned, part of which from external competition and on the other by direct recruitment of those who are in the third area.
5.9 million euros have been allocated for the hiring and for the moment the ministries involved, for which public competitions will soon be announced, are the following: Ministry of Economy and Finance, where 60 hires are expected; Ministry of Culture, with 100 hires; Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport with 10 hires; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 18 hires in 2024 and 17 in 2025.
We must therefore stay tuned because the first competition notices will soon begin to be published, although it will still be very complicated to get back into the group of winners.
Fourth area public administration competitions, what will they be like? We risk finding ourselves faced with the most complicated competitions in the entire public administration and, moreover, it could not be otherwise given the importance of the profile sought.
On the one hand, the few positions available must be considered, as well as the fact that the high salary could be attractive to a greater number of candidates.
It being understood that it will not be easy to satisfy the required requirements, which obviously vary based on the area of use.
A degree is not enough, as it will also be necessary to demonstrate that you have many years of experience in specialist or responsible roles, as well as demonstrating that you possess highly specialized knowledge, adequate to deal with problems of considerable complexity.
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Author: Hermes A.I.

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