
Italy’s Position among Russia’s Enemies: Where Does It Stand?

Russia: Perceptions of Friendly and Hostile Countries

One of the questions periodically asked by the Russian non-governmental research organization, the Levada Center, to Russian citizens, is about which countries are enemies of Russia.
The recent survey results, compared with previous years, have shown significant changes, especially after the Russo-Ukrainian war.

Citizens were not only asked about “friendly” and “hostile” countries, but also whether they believe the Kremlin should seek to improve relations with the West.
This particular question reveals a major difference before and after the invasion of Ukraine, a conflict that is affecting civilians on both sides.
Here is what they said and where Italy stands.

Russia’s List of Friendly Countries: Belarus Tops the Chart

The survey asked participants to identify the countries they believe are Russia’s “true allies.” Not surprisingly, Belarus tops the list with a significant 81% of total votes.
Following Belarus are China, India, and others.
Interestingly, Belarus and China have gained more friendship points following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

Here are the top 10 “friendly” countries for Russia: Belarus (81%); China (65%); Kazakhstan (33%); India (33%); Iran (22%); North Korea (16%); Cuba (14%); Uzbekistan (12%); Azerbaijan (11%); Serbia (11%).

Russia’s List of Hostile Countries: Where Is Italy?

In addition to naming friendly countries, participants were also asked to identify the countries they perceive as most hostile to Russia.
The detailed table shows the United States (76%), United Kingdom (51%); Germany (49%); Ukraine (38%); and Poland (37%) topping the list.
Interestingly, Italy ranks 15th with only 6% of votes.

According to Kristian Åtland from the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), citizens’ judgments seem to be influenced by strained relationships and military power.
This is evident in the top positions held by the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom, while even Norway doesn’t make the “top 25.” The perception is further influenced by Russia’s recent publication of lists categorizing countries as “friendly” or “hostile.”

Russian Youth Hope for Better Relations with the West

The Levada Center also inquired if Russian citizens believe the Kremlin should improve relations with the United States and other Western countries.
The response has significantly changed since before the Russo-Ukrainian war.
In February 2020, 79% of the population felt Russia should improve relations with the West.
However, by May 2024, only 53% still hold this view.

The Levada survey suggests that Western sanctions, besides affecting Russian civilians, have been exploited by Putin’s regime to boost domestic support by fueling anti-Western sentiments.
Some now believe that the rift between Russia and the West is “irreparable,” even if the conflict in Ukraine were to end.

Interestingly, there seems to be a generational gap in responses.
While only 46% of 25-39-year-olds believe Russia should mend ties with the US and the West, the percentage rises to 58% among 18-24-year-olds.
This indicates the desires of the younger generations to freely explore the world, including destinations like New York, London, Paris, and Rome, without feeling tied to an “enemy” backdrop.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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