Scuola secondaria di II grado

School reform 2024, what changes from next year

For the 2024-2025 school year, the school reform comes into force with which new professional paths are introduced which should help students to immediately find work once they have completed their studies.
News that it is good to be aware of already today, as starting from January 18th – and until next February 10th – you will have to register for the new school year and for the first time you will also be able to choose from the new addresses.
In particular, there are two innovations: on the one hand the reform of technical and professional institutes, with which the duration of the course is reduced to 4 years with the possibility of specializing for another 2 years in ITS; on the other, however, the launch of the new made in Italy high school, a direction much desired by the Meloni government.
Let's see, therefore, what are the news for the world of school that come into force in 2024 and what changes for students: a useful guide so as to get an idea whether or not to enroll in the new courses.
The reform of technical institutes Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to find qualified workers: a problem that for the Meloni government finds a solution in schools, where it will be necessary to focus more on practice so that once students graduate they are ready to enter the world of work.
In this regard, the VII Commission of the Senate approved the bill with which the technical and professional institutes are reformed by introducing the 4-year plus 2-year model of specialized training in higher technical institutes.
Those who want to specialize in certain subjects, from mechanics to electronics, will therefore be able to do so after just 4 years of school: thus we end up having students who, by around 20 years of age, will have completed a highly professionalizing course of study, ready to respond to the needs of companies.
On the other hand, the data on ITS confirm that these are the best possible solution for those who want to find work without going to university: in fact they guarantee an employment rate that exceeds 90%.
In detail, with the ITS reform the study plan will change through the following innovations: strengthening of the teaching of mathematics and Italian; more space for Pcto (paths for transversal skills and orientation, the former school-work alternation); possibility of bringing teachers from the productive and professional world into the classroom, thus being able to train students through personalized and flexible education paths.
The reduced duration for technical institutes will already be in force for the next school year, however for the moment it is only an experimental phase: in fact, only 30% of institutes will be able to take part, based on a regional distribution.
The Made in Italy high school The second innovation to be taken into consideration for the purposes of enrolling in the next school year is that which concerns the launch of the Made in Italy high school, in which greater importance will be given to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and knowledge connected to this principle.
In particular, in the study plan ample space will be given to legal and economic topics (through the provision of 99 hours per year of law and the same number of political economy), as well as STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics with computer science) and humanities (Italian, history, philosophy and history of art).
There will be two foreign languages.
Like the ITS, the school opens up to the business world through the organization of internships, thus giving students the opportunity to gain experience in the economic-productive sector of reference.
As with the reform of technical institutes, therefore, even with this new direction we look with greater attention to the world of work, without prejudice to the fact that since it is a high school it is mostly a functional preparation for starting a university path.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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