Rai tv

Serena Bortone: Who is She? Biography and Salary of the Rai Journalist

Who is Serena Bortone?

Serena Bortone is a prominent Italian journalist and television presenter who has recently sparked controversy due to a dispute involving author Antonio Scurati.
The issue arose when Scurati was not allowed to read a monologue on the 25th of April during the show Chesarà…
on Rai Tre, hosted by Serena Bortone.
Bortone publicly shared the incident on social media, accusing the network of censorship.

The Controversy

The situation escalated when politician Giorgia Meloni accused Rai of cancelling Scurati’s participation in the show due to his high fee of 1,800 euros for a one-minute intervention.
This led to further backlash, with many Rai journalists going on strike to protest for their independence and autonomy.

The Consequences

The aftermath of the controversy saw Rai’s CEO, Roberto Sergio, sending a disciplinary letter to Serena Bortone for violating company policy with her social media post.
Bortone could potentially face a fine or suspension as a result.

Biography and Career

Serena Bortone, born on September 8, 1970, in Rome, is a journalist and presenter known for her passion for literature.
She began her career at Rai in 1989 and has since worked on various shows, including Agorà and Oggi è un altro giorno.
Despite reports of her annual earnings reaching 300,000 euros, Rai regulations cap salaries at 240,000 euros.


Serena Bortone’s career has been marked by success and controversy, highlighting the challenges faced by journalists in maintaining their independence while working within a network’s constraints.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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