Detrazioni fiscali

Reimbursement Policies for Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Storage: Know When to Expect Coverage

Understanding Stem Cell Preservation

Stem cells are non-specialized cells capable of transforming into different tissues and organs, proving to be crucial in treating immune system and blood diseases like leukemia.
After birth, the umbilical cord retains blood containing stem cells that can be collected and stored in blood banks for future use.

When is the Expense for Cord Blood Stem Cell Preservation Deductible?

Parents have the option to donate their baby’s cord blood stem cells to public blood banks for free, allowing global usage.
Alternatively, they can opt for private banks, paying for exclusive rights over the cells for potential family use in case of illness.

According to Circular 7/E of April 27, 2018, tax deduction is applicable for cord blood stem cell preservation under specific conditions when used for the baby or family members with approved scientific and clinical need.
The preservation must be done in public transfusion centers or other authorized facilities.

However, no deduction is granted for “autologous” use, meaning personal future needs, as indicated in Resolution 12.06.2009 No.
155 by the Revenue Agency.
Italy does not permit such storage, requiring individuals to bear the cost of sending stem cells abroad for preservation in a foreign blood bank.

The Ministry of Health document highlights the lack of scientific evidence supporting the real benefits of autologous use, making it non-deductible due to the ineffective therapeutic nature according to current regulations.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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