bonus economico

€150 Monthly Bonus for Those Who Move to This Italian City

Attracting Young People with Housing Incentives in Mantua

Mantua, a charming Italian city, is offering a 150 euro monthly bonus for those who decide to move there.
This initiative aims to encourage young people to repopulate the municipality while helping them gain independence from their parents.
The Municipality has launched a competition called “Welcome to the City” where winners will receive 150 euros per month for a year, and in some special cases, for up to 2 years.

“Welcome to the City” Competition: 150 Euro Monthly Bonus

The initiative by the Municipality of Mantua offers a rent bonus of 150 euros per month to young people, aiming to alleviate their expenses.
Interestingly, this opportunity is not limited to newcomers but also extends to current residents.

The “Welcome to the City” competition targets:

  • Singles and families up to 36 years old who do not reside in Mantua or live in another accommodation, provided they are leaving their family home for the first time.
  • Citizens not falling into the first category but who are moving their residence to Mantua.

Requirements for participating in the competition include:

  • Transferring residency to a rented housing unit on the free market or through the Social Housing Service.
    The contract must be registered after the publication of the competition (May 2, 2024), with a minimum duration of 1 year and a monthly rent of at least 350 euros.
  • An ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) ranging from 9,500 to 40,000 euros for citizens under 36; from 14,000 to 40,000 euros for citizens not belonging to the first category.
  • Being employed or receiving a pension at the time of application.
  • Italian or European citizenship, or a residence permit.

The winners of the competition will receive 150 euros per month for 12 months, extended to 24 months for existing residents.
Mantua has allocated a total of 200,000 euros, allowing a maximum of 100 applications to be accepted.

To apply, individuals must visit the dedicated page on May 6, 2024, at 08:30 AM, fill out the form after logging in with a digital identity, and prepare the necessary documentation (ID, ISEE certificate, rental contract, residence permit if applicable, income certification, or employment contract).

“Living in Borgochiesanuova” Competition: 67 Municipal Housing Units

Besides the “Welcome to the City” initiative, Mantua also offers another opportunity through the “Living in Borgochiesanuova” competition, providing 67 municipal housing units in the neighborhood of the same name.

Criteria for participation include:

  • Having a job income and an ISEE between 14,000 and 40,000 euros.
  • Not benefiting from social housing in the last 5 years.
  • Residence or work in Lombardy and Italian or European citizenship.

Additional points will be given to couples under 36 from different family units, workers, and non-resident family units moving within 20 days of being assigned a unit.
Registration for the competition opens on May 6 at 09:00 AM and closes on June 28 at 12:00 PM.
Appointments can also be made by contacting the officials at 0376/1969533.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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