Data journalism

In Italy, 51% of Homes Have Very Low Energy Efficiency

Transition Towards Energy Efficiency in Italian Buildings

Many homes in Italy remain empty or underutilized, characterized by low energy efficiency levels.
While the European Parliament has approved the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings in the European Union, Italy is engaged in a debate surrounding “green homes”.

Critics and Concerns

Opponents of the directive fear that the required energy efficiency upgrades will entail high costs.
According to estimates by Codacons, the expenses for energy requalification of buildings may range from €35,000 to €60,000.
On the other hand, Scenari Immobiliari, an independent research institute, predicts costs between €20,000 and €55,000.

The Urgent Need for Efficiency

Despite the relatively recent construction of most Italian buildings, a significant portion lacks energy performance.
Approximately a third of residential buildings in Italy were built between the early ’60s and the early ’70s.
Surprisingly, about half of Italian families reside in properties constructed before 1976 when the first legislation on thermal insulation was introduced.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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