
Failure of Secret Service Operation in Covid Vaccines

The US Allegedly Used Fake Twitter Accounts to Attack China During the Pandemic

As the world tries to move on from the Covid-19 pandemic, recent revelations from Reuters shed light on a controversial tactic allegedly used by the United States during the peak of the crisis.
According to the investigation, the US government, with the involvement of the Pentagon and intelligence services, reportedly deployed fake Twitter accounts to target and discredit China.

The operation, which started in the spring of 2020 under the Trump administration and continued until mid-2021 during Biden’s presidency, focused on the Philippines.
This country suffered over 4 million Covid cases and more than 65,000 deaths, making it one of the worst-hit nations in Asia, following only India and Indonesia.

Accusations and Strategies

The alleged purpose of the US operation was two-fold: to shift blame for the pandemic to China and undermine the credibility of Chinese-made vaccines.
Initially, the fake Twitter profiles concentrated on the hashtag #Chinaangvirus, implying that “China is the virus.” However, the strategy evolved to target Chinese vaccines.

One of the most successful tweets claimed, “Covid comes from China, and so does the vaccine.
Don’t trust China!” Another tweet stated, “From China – PPE, face mask, vaccine: FALSE.
But the Coronavirus is real,” perpetuating mistrust towards Chinese products.

Disinformation and Geopolitical Tensions

The use of fake accounts to spread anti-vaccine sentiments in a country like the Philippines, with a significant Muslim population, aimed to exploit religious concerns.
Some posts insinuated that Covid vaccines containing gelatin from pork contradicted Islamic principles.

Despite Reuters’ attempt to seek clarification from US authorities, the responses have been elusive.
While the Pentagon did not officially acknowledge the operation, internal sources confirmed strategies to discredit Chinese vaccines.
These revelations underscore the complex web of disinformation that surrounded the pandemic, originating not only from foreign entities but also potentially within Western countries.

The full extent of Covid’s impact and the proliferation of fake news narratives during the crisis are reminders that the true narrative is yet to be fully uncovered.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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