Assegno d'inclusione

Inclusion allowance, who has to worry about the recalculation expected in March

Some families who receive the inclusion allowance are looking with concern at what could happen in March 2024, when the amount of the measure could be recalculated with the risk of even no longer being entitled to it.
Those affected by such a situation are all those families receiving the Inclusion Allowance who requested the new ISEE (2024) only in February, for which therefore the first two months of support were calculated on the basis of the income data indicated in the ISEE referred to 2023.
Such a possibility was foreseen by the legislation, with the Ministry of Labor wanting to facilitate the transition between the Citizenship Income and the Inclusion Allowance by allowing the application even with the ISEE not updated.
In this case, the monthly payments for January and February were exceptionally calculated on the basis of non-updated income data, except for the obligation to present the new DSU for ISEE purposes by the deadline of 29 February 2024, under penalty of suspension of the benefit.
Those who waited until the last month to renew the ISEE, therefore, could be subject to recalculation of the amount, as the INPS will take into account the income condition referring to 2022 (or 2023 for those who also requested the ISEE at the same time).
An operation which, depending on the case, could entail advantages or disadvantages and in the worst case scenario could mark the end of the Inclusion Allowance payments.
How the recalculation of the single allowance scheduled for March works It must be said that for families who requested the ISEE 2024 in January the recalculation has already taken place (with the February month).
Those affected by the following, therefore, are only the families who waited until the last month to request the new DSU.
There could be several possible scenarios for them.
Obviously, those who are worried are mostly families who enjoyed an improvement in their economic situation between 2021 and 2022 (periods examined by the ISEE for the last two years).
A situation which, among other things, could concern several families who currently benefit from the Inclusion Allowance, as starting from the ISEE 2024 the Single Allowance for dependent children paid for the first time in 2022 will be taken into account.
An improvement of the income situation will certainly lead to a cut in the inclusion allowance starting from March, as we remember that the value of the support is calculated by subtracting the family income from the maximum amount that can be obtained.
The higher the profit, therefore, the lower the value of the monthly top-up will be.
But that's not all, because in the event that the improvement were to be substantial enough to lead to exceeding the ISEE limit of 9,360 euros, or in any case the income threshold foreseen on the basis of the equivalence scale parameter assigned to the family unit (equal to 6,000 euros for a single person, increased based on the number and condition of the other members), the measure lapses.
The only possibility in this case is to request a current ISEE (if the conditions exist) and hope to fall within the parameters.
But there is not only bad news: for those who suffered a worsening of their income situation between 2021 and 2022, an increase in the amount is expected with the new inclusion allowance.
Attention to the members of the new ISEE It is important to remember that between the ISEE 2023 and that of the current year there is a fundamental change: non-cohabiting adult children are part of the parents' household if they are dependent, unmarried or without children.
This also applies when they are over 26 years old, while in 2023 those who exceeded this threshold formed their own household regardless of income status and marital status.
Therefore, those who have children over 26 years of age with an income of less than 4 thousand euros, who are unmarried and have no children, must again indicate them in the new DSU.
And be careful, because a change in the family unit – caused by a reason other than the birth or death of one of the members – also requires sending a new application for the Inclusion Allowance.
In fact, once the new ISEE has been acquired and the change in the family unit has been ascertained, the INPS orders the forfeiture of the benefit.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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