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Discounts and Benefits for Seniors: What’s Available for Those Aged 60, 70, and 80?


Italian Legal Provisions for the Elderly

Italian legislation aims to protect the most vulnerable groups of the population, including the elderly.
Various discounts and bonuses are available at different age thresholds: some benefits begin at 60, others at 70, and further benefits are available after 80.
There are also provisions for those below these ages, mainly tailored for people with disabilities or early retirement schemes.

Assistance for Seniors Aged 60 and Over

Once individuals reach the age of 60, they can access numerous benefits, including transport discounts, healthcare ticket exemptions, and financial assistance to support their families.
Let’s explore the benefits available for those aged between 60 and 69.

Social Allowance

Individuals who reach 67 years without qualifying for a pension are entitled to a social allowance, designed for those in financial distress.
For 2024, the monthly allowance amounts to €534.41.
Eligibility requires meeting specific income thresholds: an annual income under €6,947.33 for single retirees, and under €13,894.66 for married retirees.

Inclusion Allowance

The inclusion allowance replaces the basic income scheme, providing support for families with minors, individuals with disabilities, or seniors over 60.
This financial assistance complements household income and can reach up to €780 monthly for those with zero ISEE income.

Exemption from Healthcare Tickets

Healthcare ticket exemptions apply to individuals under 6 or over 65, contingent on family income not exceeding €36,151.98.
This exemption covers medicines, specialist visits, and diagnostic tests, along with emergency room visits.

Shopping Card

Seniors over 65 may qualify for a Shopping Card, credited with €40 monthly, provided their ISEE does not exceed €6,788.61.
This card assists low-income families with young or elderly members.

Transportation Discounts

Significant transportation discounts are available for seniors over 60 on public services, and both Trenitalia and Italo offer substantial reductions for elderly travelers.

Benefits for Seniors Aged 70 and Over

Once individuals turn 70, they are entitled to all 60-plus benefits, as well as additional support.
Let’s examine these special benefits.

Broadcast Fee Exemption

The exemption from the Rai license fee starts at 75 years under certain income thresholds (up to €8,000), requiring the submission of a request only for the first year.

Postal Bill Discount

For seniors over 70, there is a discount on postal bills: typically €2, now reduced to €1 for those over 70 when paid at the counter.

Benefits for Seniors Aged 80 and Over

Upon reaching 80, seniors have access to numerous benefits focusing primarily on mobility and personal assistance.

Caregiver Bonus

A caregiver bonus is available for those needing assistance, offering up to €3,600 annually for registered caregivers.

Universal Elderly Allowance

Beginning January 1, 2025, an allowance of €850 will be issued alongside existing benefits, targeting seniors in need of assistance with specific income requirements.

Future Considerations

Several potential bonuses are under review, including funding for pet care for seniors over 65, aimed at alleviating veterinarian costs.
Additionally, holiday and sports incentives for elderly individuals are being discussed to promote more active lifestyles.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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