
A €19 Million Superyacht Sinks Due to a Minor Error (VIDEO)

The Costly Error That Almost Sank a €19 Million Superyacht near a Greek Island

Millions of euros were almost sunk off the coast of a Greek island due to a trivial mistake.
Fortunately, this will be a story the unharmed tourists can tell.

As reported by the local newspaper Protothema, the €19 million superyacht, built in Italy, was at risk of sinking in the crystal-clear waters of Cephalonia, as shown in a video.

The mishap was allegedly caused by a commonplace error made by one of the staff members, but the consequences were potentially devastating, endangering not only the integrity of the expensive yacht but also the safety of the people on board, including the staff and the 5 tourists who had paid €200,000 to rent the megayacht Ethos for a week.

The Dramatic Turn of Events

According to local sources, water started flooding the vessel, making it list and drift.
The situation quickly worsened, putting at risk not only the yacht’s integrity but also the safety of the 10 people on board.

On the “Ethos,” there were five tourists who had paid a hefty sum of €210,000 to rent the boat for a week, along with the five crew members.
The incident soon became a symbol of social disparities that allow only a few to afford sailing on highly expensive yachts with pools, saunas, gyms, and every comfort imaginable.

The trivial error that led to this incident was attributed to a simple oversight by a crew member who had left a side door of the ship open.
This small but crucial mistake allowed water to enter the megayacht, causing the situation to deteriorate rapidly.

The Critical Maneuver

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the captain managed to keep his cool and make a crucial decision: steer the megayacht towards shallower waters to prevent it from completely sinking.
This maneuver averted total disaster with the boat capsizing.
However, the recently restored vessel suffered significant damage due to the water ingress.

Despite the high cost and advanced technology of these ships, as demonstrated by the Ethos incident, luxury does not equate to safety.
A simple human error can lead to dangerous situations.
Fortunately, the captain’s quick thinking and the Coast Guard’s swift intervention prevented the worst and ensured the safety of those on board.

The Salvage Operation

After moving the boat to shallower waters, a salvage operation was initiated.
The Greek Coast Guard towed the “Ethos” towards the shore, where recovery operations began.
Luckily, all onboard were safely rescued without injuries.
Experts had to work diligently to stabilize the yacht and remove the water that had invaded the interiors.
Initial assessments indicate that significant repair work will be needed to restore the “Ethos” to its original condition.

The melodramatic incident of the superyacht “Ethos” off the coast of Cephalonia serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of safety measures and constant vigilance on board luxury vessels, while environmentalists point out that fewer yachts sailing means less harm to the environment from additional pollutants, even if minimal compared to other vessels (cruises, containers, etc).

Author: Hermes A.I.

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