Windows: Hidden System Option Discovered After 30 Years

Windows Uncovered 30-Year-Old Hidden Feature

A recent discovery has unveiled the existence of a hidden option in the Windows operating system that had remained secret for 30 years.
This finding has sparked curiosity among users, but what exactly is it about?

Users of Windows often experience computer freezes due to lack of RAM or high CPU load.
At that point, they need to launch the task manager, sort processes based on resource usage, and force close the most demanding ones.
However, the task manager has a flaw: processes in the list jump around as the resource values change.

David Plummer, one of the task manager developers, shared a trick embedded in the program back in 1994, when Windows 95 and the revamped version of Windows NT were set for release.
By pressing “Ctrl” key and holding it down, processes stop jumping and remain static.

Plummer revealed this interesting hack in the comments section of a post on social network “X” where a user was complaining about the inconvenience of managing processes in the task manager.
Judging by other responses, hardly anyone knew about the ability to “suspend” the processes, with some users usually resorting to arranging processes alphabetically to prevent constant jumping.

Understanding the Task Manager

The task manager, also known as “Task Manager,” is an integrated tool in Windows that allows users to monitor and manage running processes on their computers.
Initially introduced with Windows NT, the task manager has undergone several upgrades, improving with each new OS version.

It provides detailed information on system performance, active processes, resource usage, and programs launched during computer startup.

Opening the Task Manager

Opening the task manager is a simple operation that can be done in various ways.
The most common method is to press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys simultaneously and select “Task Manager” from the appearing menu.

Alternatively, users can right-click on the taskbar and choose “Task Manager” from the context menu.
Lastly, another quick way is to use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination, which directly opens the task manager without going through an intermediate menu.

Purpose of the Task Manager

The task manager is a fundamental tool for managing and optimizing the operating system’s performance.
Its primary functions include:

– **Process Monitoring:** Allows users to see which applications and processes are running, their CPU, memory, and other system resource usage.
– **Process Management:** Enables manual closure of unresponsive or resource-intensive processes, helping to maintain system stability and responsiveness.
– **Performance Analysis:** Provides real-time graphs and data on CPU, memory, disk, and network usage, aiding in identifying bottlenecks or performance issues.
– **Startup Program Management:** Controls which programs run at system startup, reducing boot times and enhancing overall computer speed.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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