European Elections 2024: Celebrity Candidates in the Race for a Seat
The Rise of Celebrity Candidates in European Elections
Do you remember Carola Rackete, the famous “captain” in charge of the Sea-Watch rescue ship that enraged Matteo Salvini? Well, she is now set to run for the 2024 European elections and, barring any surprises, is likely to be one of the representatives for Linke, the Left Party in Germany.
The trend of nominating VIPs and famous figures as political candidates is not exclusive to one country.
In Italy, the blending of entertainment, sports, and politics has become almost commonplace, thanks in part to the influence of Berlusconism.
A Look at the European Election Candidates
Contrary to the past, there seems to be a shortage of celebrity candidates on the center-right for the 2024 European elections.
One notable exception is General Roberto Vannacci, representing the League, whose name sparks curiosity.
Over at Brothers of Italy, we find Vittorio Sgarbi on the list.
The art critic has long been a full-time politician and even founded a party called Rinascimento in the past.
Within the Democratic Party, we have journalist Lucia Annunziata and Cecilia Strada, daughter of Gino Strada and former president of Emergency.
The United States of Europe list, formed by Italia Viva and +Europa, includes TV host Alessandro Cecchi Paone.
Former head of INPS Pasquale Tridico stands out as one of the main candidates for the 5 Star Movement, which also counts former footballer Carolina Morace and journalist Gaetano Pedullà among its ranks.
The candidacy of Ilaria Salis has sparked much debate, being a Milanese professor currently imprisoned in Hungary and the frontrunner for the Green-Left Alliance in the North-West constituency.
Michele Santoro’s list, Peace Land Dignity, boasts many famous personalities: mathematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi, actor Paolo Rossi, cartoonist Vauro, and writer Nicolai Lilin.
Lastly, there is Libertà, the party of Cateno De Luca, which has nominated Captain Ultimo.
At the presentation press conference, Captain Ultimo revealed his face for the first time in 31 years.