
Beware of These Number Prefixes: Scam Calls to Avoid


Beware of Phone Scams: A Growing Concern

In recent years, phone scams have become increasingly prevalent and fashionable.
These scams target everyone, but the elderly are particularly vulnerable, often failing to recognize the risks quickly.

Common Methods of Phone Fraud

Phone scams typically occur in three main ways:

Premium Rate Calls:
The first method involves calling a mobile number and hanging up immediately after the recipient answers.
Intrigued, the victim might call back, only to find out that the number is premium rate, resulting in exorbitant charges.

Impersonating Operators:
Scammers pose as representatives of phone, electricity, or gas companies, seeking personal or banking information under the guise of attractive offers.

Deceptive Text Messages:
SMS messages from unknown numbers contain links prompting immediate action, like banking tasks.
Clicking these links may lead to fake sites where personal data is stolen or to malware that hijacks the phone.

Numbers to Avoid

Previously, scammers relied on anonymous numbers, but now they often utilize international prefixes.
Here are some notorious prefixes commonly linked to scams:

+255 Tanzania
+370 Lithuania
+371 Lithuania
+375 Belarus
+381 Serbia
+563 Valparaiso

Receiving calls from these prefixes typically signals a scam, unless you are expecting a call from that country.
Some known dangerous numbers include:


Additionally, domestic numbers can be fraudulent, with the prefix 02 being particularly prevalent.
Examples of scam numbers are:

+39 02 692927527
+39 0280887589
+39 02 22198700
+39 0280887028
+39 02 80886927

How to Protect Yourself

The primary defense against scammers is to never answer calls from unknown numbers or international prefixes.
If uncertain, Google the number to check if it’s been reported as spam.

Consider using an app that identifies spam calls.
Reporting suspicious numbers is an effective way to help prevent others from falling victim.

Moreover, avoid clicking links in messages from unfamiliar numbers, as they may lead to significant issues.

Read more about stopping spam calls by activating this feature on your smartphone (available only on Android).


Author: Hermes A.I.

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