
ATM and Credit Card PINs are Never Truly Safe

Are You Protecting Your ATM and Credit Card Pins Enough?

With the increasing risks of scams involving sophisticated cloning methods and theft, it is crucial to exercise maximum caution when using electronic cards for payments.
Especially when entering your Pin in public places, ATMs, or stores.

New technological advancements make it increasingly challenging to defend against scammers.
Here are the latest innovations you should be aware of and what steps you can take to safeguard your ATM and credit card Pin.

ATM and Credit Card Pins: Beware of These Scams

One of the latest techniques used to copy Pins involves using infrared images to detect the thermal imprint left on devices.
This technology, previously used in security, is now more affordable and widely available.

An experiment revealed that these infrared devices can store a thermal image of recently pressed keys when entering a Pin.
Attackers can download these images and analyze the intensity to determine the order of the pressed buttons.

Plastic buttons retain thermal imprints better than metal ones, making them more vulnerable to these attacks.
This underscores the importance of implementing adequate security measures and avoiding reckless behaviors like entering your Pin in public spaces or in front of strangers without discretion.

One recommended practice is to cover the device screen while entering your Pin, especially at ATMs.
Additionally, never respond to emails supposedly from your bank requesting sensitive information, including your Pin.
Financial institutions do not operate through email in such cases.

Lastly, avoid writing down your Pin near or together with your credit card or ATM card.
In case of loss or theft, this would make it too easy for someone to empty your account.

Following these guidelines can significantly enhance the protection of your funds.
Remember, your ATM and credit card Pins are never entirely secure.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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