Key Market Movers of the Week: Don’t Miss These Upcoming Data Points

Market Movers: Key Events of the Week from 24th to 28th June

Throughout the week from the 24th to the 28th of June, a series of significant data releases are poised to impact the financial markets, with a particular focus on major European economies and the United States.

Monday, June 24th

Market focus will turn to key economic indicators such as the Business Expectations in Germany, the Current Economic Assessment in Germany, and the IFO Business Climate Index in Germany, all scheduled for release at 10:00 (EUR).

Tuesday, June 25th

The day will bring attention to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures in Spain at 09:00 (EUR) and the U.S.
Consumer Confidence Report at 16:00 (USD), followed by the U.S.
Weekly Crude Oil Inventories at 22:30 (USD).

Wednesday, June 26th

Market watchers will look out for the GfK Consumer Climate Report in Germany at 08:00 (EUR) and New Home Sales in the U.S.
at 16:00 (USD).

Thursday, June 27th

Thursday’s highlights include the Business Confidence Level in Italy, Consumer Confidence Index in Italy, Industrial Production Price (IPP) in Italy at 10:00 (EUR), and various key U.S.
data releases, such as Durable Goods Orders, Core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index, GDP (Quarterly), Initial Jobless Claims, all at 14:30 (USD).

Friday, June 28th

The week will conclude with the release of crucial reports including Industrial Production in Japan at 01:50 (JPY), GDP figures in the United Kingdom at 08:00 (GBP), Retail Sales in Germany, Consumer Price Index (CPI) in France, Unemployment Rate in Germany, Industrial Sales in Italy, Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Italy at 08:00 to 11:00 (EUR), and a series of U.S.
reports at 14:30 and 16:00 (USD), covering Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), Consumer Sentiment, and Michigan Consumer Expectations.

Stay tuned for these market-moving events that are expected to shape the trading landscape next week.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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