Primo piano Newsletter and Nissan Italia release free online guide to 2024 eco-incentives and Nissan Italia’s Guide to State Eco-incentives 2024, in collaboration with Nissan Italia, has launched a comprehensive online guide to the 2024 state eco-incentives.
This guide aims to provide clarity on the available tax benefits and facilitate the purchase of M1 category vehicles with reduced emissions.
Access to the guide is completely free upon registration.

Understanding Incentives Based on CO2 Emissions

The amount of the state contribution varies depending on the CO2 emissions of the vehicle to be purchased.
Higher incentives are available for more polluting old vehicles when scrapped.
The guide offers insights into these incentives, helping consumers make informed decisions.

Diverse Range of Eligible Vehicles

The downloadable guide features a detailed index of topics, reflecting the different state contributions for various categories and types of low CO2 emission vehicles.
For example, incentives can now be requested for the installation of LPG or CNG systems in Euro 4 compliant vehicles.
Additionally, opportunities are available for plug-in hybrid cars with or without scrappage schemes.

The incentives aim not only to promote the purchase of low-emission vehicles and the scrappage of outdated, polluting ones but also to drive the green transition of the automotive industry in Italy.
There is a diverse range of solutions beyond just electric vehicles, showcasing the industry’s commitment to sustainability.

Optimizing Finances in 2024

If you are considering upgrading your vehicle in 2024 while optimizing your finances, the and Nissan Italia eco-incentives guide is an essential tool to navigate the available options effectively.
Download the guide now to make the most suitable choice for your next vehicle purchase.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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