
Delay in reimbursement of 730/2024 for pensioners.

Delay in Income Tax Refunds for Pensioners

Income tax refunds for the year 2024 require a longer wait for pensioners.
In recent years, the processing of tax refunds has been tied to the date on which the income tax return was filed, but pensioners must wait an extra month compared to employed workers.

Changes in Tax Refund Timelines

Rules regarding the processing of income tax refunds have changed in recent years, especially since the deadlines for filing income tax returns have been extended.
Previously, the reconciliation process was the same for everyone, but now, the date of refund payment depends on the submission of the 730 form.

Pensioners already had to wait one month longer than employed workers under the old rules, but now the delay could be even more significant.
If the tax return is filed in the last month (September), the refund might not be received until the end of the year.

Payment Schedule for 730/2024 Refunds for Pensioners

July is not the starting month for income tax refunds for pensioners.
The payment date depends on when the 730 form for the year 2024 is submitted.
In previous years, tax refunds for pensioners were processed one month later than for employed workers.

In the past, the payment month for the refund determined by the 730 form was August for pensioners receiving payments from INPS, unless additional checks were carried out by the tax authorities.

With the introduction of Fiscal Decree no.
124/2019, article 16-bis, a new variable mechanism was established.
Since the deadline for submitting the tax return is set for September 30th, the refund payment date is now linked to the submission date of the 730 form.

For pensioners, the general rule states that INPS or another pension provider will initiate the income tax refund payment starting from the second month following the receipt of the settlement statement data from the Revenue Agency.

To receive the income tax refund in August, the 730 form must be submitted by May 31st, 2024.

Timeline for Refund Payments

There are six transmission periods that determine the timing of income tax refund credits for pensioners after two months from the processing date of the 730/2024 form.

By June 15th, tax assistance centers or professionals communicate the results of returns filed by May 31st to the Revenue Agency.
These are the first cases that will be processed for income tax refunds, or for which deductions will begin in September in case of additional tax payment.

Returns filed by June 20th will be communicated by the end of the month.
On July 23rd, it is the turn of those filed by July 15th.
In mid-September, those who submitted the 730 form by August 31st will be processed, and finally, those filing by the September 30th deadline will receive their refunds in November.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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