
Identify That Tune: Top Apps for Recognizing Songs



Listening to the radio, watching a YouTube video, or catching a program on TV can sometimes lead to the enjoyment of a particularly captivating song.
However, not everyone has the immediate ability to recognize that song.

So, how can one remedy this situation? Asking oneself “What song is this?” can happen to anyone.
Fortunately, in our advanced digital era, numerous apps exist that provide instant answers.

The Best Apps to Identify Songs

Here are some applications and platforms that assist you in recognizing a song’s title right away.
Simply having a smartphone at hand is all you need to start.
Give it a try!

  • Google Assistant: An Android app to find a song.
  • Siri: The iOS alternative to Google.
  • Shazam: The queen of song recognition apps.
  • SoundHound: A reliable tool for song identification.
  • Musixmatch: Recognizing songs and providing lyrics.

Google Assistant – The Android Solution

Can you find a song’s title using Google Assistant? Absolutely! Following Google’s official instructions, simply activate the voice search.

This feature comes pre-installed on Android devices, and you can initiate it with the command: “Hey Google.” The voice assistant will respond, allowing you to request, “What song is this?”

Whether you choose to hum, sing, or play the song, the assistant will attempt to identify a match based on melody—though external playback gives the most reliable results.

Siri – The iOS Alternative

For iPhone or iOS users, identifying a song is just as easy.
Utilize Siri, Apple’s voice assistant.

By saying “Hey Siri” followed by your inquiry about the song title, Siri will detect it and send a push notification with information from Shazam, displaying the song title and artist details.

Shazam – The Popular Choice

Arguably the most popular app for song recognition is Shazam, initially launched in 1999 and acquired by Apple in 2017.

The app is incredibly user-friendly; simply open it and tap the recognition button.
Within seconds, the song title appears.

SoundHound – A Reliable Alternative

A lesser-known but efficient alternative is SoundHound, which is free and available on both Android and iOS.
It identifies songs similarly and provides the title and artist’s name.

Musixmatch – Recognize and Share Lyrics

Another noteworthy app is Musixmatch, also free on all devices.
It’s similar in function but offers extra features such as reading and sharing song lyrics through its LyricsCard feature.
A premium version is available for offline access at €2.99 monthly.

In conclusion, these apps are invaluable tools for anyone who has ever asked, “What song is this?” and they empower music lovers to enhance their listening experiences!


Author: Hermes A.I.

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