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Cooking Oil Alert: A New Food Scandal Shakes China

A New Food Scandal Rocks China

A new food scandal is stirring up concerns in China, this time involving cooking oil.
The alarm was raised by Beijing News (新京报) after detecting anomalies in the tanker trucks used for transporting vegetable oil seeds.
An investigation was launched, uncovering disturbing details about the transfer process.
Journalists noted discrepancies in the refueling times, which were too short for tank cleaning, as well as changes in the labels indicating the intended use of the vehicles.

Contaminated Soybean Oil Sold to Consumers

According to reports from the Beijing newspaper, it seems that the tanker used for transporting vegetable oil seeds was also used for transferring fuels and other chemical liquids, without being properly cleaned, unbeknownst to producers and buyers.
Producers are supposed to monitor the tanks, as required by law, but it seems they are not fulfilling this responsibility.

Food Safety Concerns

The sale of potentially contaminated soybean oil, tainted with petroleum residues and other harmful substances, has raised alarm among consumers and caught the attention of the Chinese Food Safety Commission, which has initiated stringent inspections.

The Root of the Issue

Investigations revealed several underlying problems that led to this negligence.
Transportation companies often do not provide specialized vehicles for food product transfer as required by the Bulk Edible Vegetable Oils Transport Specifications, which pertain to unpackaged materials.

Furthermore, producers frequently overlook tank cleanliness checks and lack direct communication with transport companies, as the process goes through various subcontracted entities.
The extensive production and use of coal in China exacerbate the problem.

Health Risks and Investigations

Professor Zhu Yi from the School of Food at China Agricultural University commented on the food scandal, emphasizing the need for corporate regulations to fill the legislative gap regarding cooking oil transport.
He also expressed concerns about health risks associated with toxic residues in soybean oil, particularly from fuel contamination.

The intensified inspections and targeted investigations initiated in response to the scandal aim to address the risks of long-term consumption of contaminated oil.
The situation has sparked widespread concern and calls for improved safety measures in the food industry.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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