
Goodbye bill bonuses in April, here's what changes

Stop the extraordinary bonus for the electricity bill.
Families benefiting from the enhanced electricity bill bonus will therefore no longer be able to benefit from this economic support starting from 1 April 2024.
Citizens who find themselves in economic difficulty, however, will not remain totally "uncovered".
In fact, the ordinary bonus for electricity remains in force.
This means that starting from next month the discount on the bill will still be there but it will no longer be so high.
We will therefore return to the ordinary amounts, those prior to the last quarter of 2023.
News that certainly does not make families smile who every day find themselves having to struggle with economic hardship and rising prices, especially if we consider that they are new increases expected for electricity and gas bills.
In fact, according to the most recent surveys by the International Energy Agency (IEA), wholesale electricity prices fell in most of the world last year, after reaching record levels in 2022.
And if the drops are major states in Europe and Asia, prices remained well above pre-pandemic levels.
But how will the electricity bill change without the extraordinary bonus? This is the question that all the beneficiary families are asking themselves and it is more appropriate than ever to find an answer to this urgent question.
Below is everything you need to know.
read also How much money to spend on a baptism gift? Bill bonus: what is the difference between the extraordinary bonus and the ordinary one The extraordinary contribution, as anticipated, will expire on 1 April 2024 but the ordinary contribution will remain in force.
The extraordinary bonus is a measure launched on 25 September 2023 by the government and then confirmed by the 2024 budget, which made the amount of the electricity bonus higher for families who were entitled to it, based on the number of members of the household.
The requirement to request the bonuses was to have an ISEE of up to 15,000 euros or 30,000 euros if with four dependent children.
The benefit was designed by the government to help families in economic difficulty who were unable to pay household utilities, and which was then refinanced to a limited extent and limited to the first quarter of 2024 and no further extensions appear to be foreseen.
Therefore, if for the months of January, February and March 2024 the electricity bill had a lower cost it was because the contribution had been extended and therefore at the end of the first quarter families will no longer be able to benefit from a further reduction in the amount.
Electricity bill, goodbye to the extraordinary bonus: here's why Without the extraordinary support, the bonus amount will return to the ordinary one.
It is important to remind families that the 2024 bill bonus does not have to be requested, but will be paid automatically to those entitled as long as they have submitted the DSU (the Single Substitutive Declaration).
Furthermore, from 1 January 2024, the income limits for access to the electricity and gas bonus have been modified.
From now on, families who have an ISEE of up to 9,530 euros for families with 3 dependent children, or an ISEE of up to 20,000 euros for families with at least 4 dependent children, will be entitled to the bonus.
But how will the absence of this additional bonus translate into the bill? Below is a table that can answer this question.
ISEE core composition Ordinary bonus + extraordinary daily bonus Ordinary daily bonus from 1 April 2024 Monthly bonus 2024 without extraordinary bonus Total bonus for the year 2024 1-2 members 1.23 euro 0.39 11.7 142.74 3-4 members 1, 63 0.50 15 183 more than 4 members 1.80 0.55 16.5 201.30 From the table we can see how the discount on the bill will vary significantly, in fact, the daily discount will not be more than 1.63 euros per day – taking as reference a family unit made up of 4 members – but it will only be 50 cents.
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Author: Hermes A.I.

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