
Supermarkets Open on Ferragosto 2024: List, Opening Hours, and Controversies

Supermarkets Open on August 15, 2024

Conad, Esselunga, Pam Panorama, Carrefour, Lidl, Eurospin, Penny Market, Despar Eurospar, MD: these are the main supermarket chains that will keep their stores open on August 15, 2024.
This will include even smaller and more peripheral cities, ensuring an essential service for those who will remain in town.

Supermarkets Open on August 15, 2024 in Detail

August 15th is traditionally a day of rest and celebrations in Italy, but this year many supermarkets will remain open to meet the needs of citizens.
Here is a detailed list (with opening hours) of the main supermarkets that will open their doors on August 15, 2024, along with some details on the opening hours:
– Conad: all stores will be open, with varying hours from city to city.
Detailed information can be found on the online map.
– Esselunga: will open from 8 am to 2 pm (in some cases it may be open all day with continuous hours from 8 am to 8 pm).
Check the website for specific details for each store.
– Pam: also offering extraordinary openings, often with continuous hours from 9 am to 9 pm, especially in the centers of Rome and Milan.
– Carrefour: mostly open all day.
Opening hours may vary, so it is advisable to check on the official website.
– Lidl: will have reduced hours, closing at 1 pm or with morning openings.
Detailed information available online.
– Eurospin: extraordinary openings with reduced or continuous hours.
Specific opening hours are on the website.
– Penny Market: most stores will be open, with a special promotion! The supermarket is giving away a mini watermelon for purchases over 30 euros.
– Despar: extraordinary openings in various stores, with hours available online.
– MD: stores will mostly be open in the morning.
Check the exact hours on the website.

As you can see, it is always advisable to consult the chosen supermarket’s website to verify the exact hours, as they may vary depending on the location and holiday.


Despite the service provided to citizens, extraordinary openings on August 15th have sparked a series of controversies.
Unions, such as Filcams Cgil, have spoken out against these decisions, inviting consumers not to go shopping on August 15 to respect the right to recover a social and family dimension of the holiday rest.

The fundamental issue concerns a dilemma: the balance between workers’ right to rest and the service offered to consumers.
Many, of course, appreciate the opportunity to shop even on a holiday.
This issue continues to divide public opinion.

Although the possibility of shopping on August 15th may be convenient for many, it is important to consider that behind the opening of supermarkets there is the sacrifice of employees, forced to work on a day traditionally dedicated to rest and relaxation.
August 15th, derived from the ancient Roman festival Feriae Augusti, was designed to offer a break from work and celebrate rest.
Even if supermarkets have reduced hours, it can still be considered a benefit, taking advantage of this opportunity.
Limited hours allow employees to enjoy the holiday, which would otherwise be a day of work in extreme heat.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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