iOS 16

Apple Introduces Eye-Tracking Control on iPhone and iPad for Enhanced User Experience

Apple Introduces Innovative Accessibility Features for iOS

Apple recently announced exciting new features for iOS on the occasion of the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on May 16, 2024.
This day, dedicated to the accessibility of people with disabilities, prompted the tech giant to unveil more inclusive features to ensure high performance and inclusive experiences with their products.

The Eye Tracking Feature and How It Works

One of the most significant applications added by Apple to their iPhones and iPads is the Eye Tracking feature, which allows users with physical disabilities to control their personal devices solely through eye movement.
This feature, based on artificial intelligence, has been developed to assist individuals with physical disabilities.
By using the front camera for quick setup and calibration, eye movements are captured and analyzed by the device exclusively through the integrated front camera.

Enhancing User Experience with New Functions

Apart from Eye Tracking, Apple introduced other new features such as Music Haptics, Vocal Shortcuts, and Vehicle Motion Cues.
Vocal Shortcuts enable users to assign personalized phrases that Siri can understand to activate shortcuts and complete complex tasks, benefiting individuals with speech impairments due to conditions like cerebral palsy, ALS, or stroke.

Improving Accessibility in Various Settings

Vehicle Motion Cues and CarPlay have been designed to enhance iPhone usage while driving.
Vehicle Motion Cues help reduce motion sickness experienced while traveling by displaying animated points on the screen to mimic the vehicle’s movements.
CarPlay now includes features like Color Filters and Sound Recognition to assist deaf or hard of hearing individuals while driving.

Immersive Music Experience with Music Haptics

Apple aims to provide an immersive music experience for individuals with hearing issues through the Music Haptics feature on Apple Music, which triggers vibrations synchronized with the tracks, ensuring a holistic musical experience for all users.
This commitment to inclusivity demonstrates Apple’s continuous efforts to make their products accessible to everyone.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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