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Quick Call on 2024 Support Role: What Are the Penalties for Renunciation?


Fast Call for Support 2024 Application Process

The procedure to apply for the 2024 fast call for support commenced at 2:00 PM on August 23.
Candidates will have until 1:59 PM on Monday, August 26, to apply in a different province from where they are registered in the first tier of the Provincial Listings for Substitutes (Gps).

However, once the application for the fast call is submitted and a fixed-term contract is secured, candidates may wonder what sanctions come into play in the event of a resignation.
What are the risks involved?

Fast Call for Support: Opportunity for Qualified Educators

The 2024 fast call provides an opportunity for individuals who have specialized in support services and are registered in the first tier of the Gps to obtain a fixed-term appointment aimed at a permanent position in a different province than their registration.
These appointments are available for remaining vacant positions after ordinary hiring processes are completed.

Submitting an application does not guarantee a job offer.
However, should a candidate receive the assignment and choose to refuse it, this decision carries significant consequences.

Consequences of Renouncing a Position

Unlike last year, declining a fixed-term contract following the fast call application results in the inability to accept other temporary positions for the 2024/2025 academic year, even in the province of their initial registration, and this restriction lasts for the next two years.

The execution of the fast call application in 2024 entails two main phases.
The first phase involves provincial assignment without preferences for specific locations by the candidates.
The second phase, which is non-digital, involves schools assigning the specific position.

Acceptance and Sanctions

Teachers assigned a location cannot refuse it, as non-acceptance translates to no employment opportunity.
According to Ministerial Decree No.
111 issued on June 6, 2024, “assigning a province based on the application entails acceptance of the future position, blocking eligibility for substitute positions in the province of Gps registration.”

Thus, failing to accept the assignment from the fast call will result in the forfeiture of any substitute opportunities, even within the original provincial listings and institutional directories, for various roles and disciplines.

Available Positions Under Fast Call 2024

The positions available under the fast call in 2024 stem from remaining vacancies left after standard recruitment.
Availability varies across regions, with some areas like Lazio, Molise, Calabria, Puglia, and Basilicata showing no positions currently open.

Conversely, regions in the North, such as Lombardy, Piedmont, and Emilia-Romagna, do show available roles, although not uniformly across educational levels.
It is essential for candidates to check their regional educational offices for the latest availability.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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