
Hezbollah: Who They Are and What They Want (and Why a War with Israel is Possible)

Escalation of Conflict in the Middle East

Never before has the risk of an escalation of the conflict in the Middle East been so close.

On Saturday, July 27, a missile struck a soccer field in Majdal Shams, in the Golan Heights, Syrian territory occupied by Israel, killing 12 children aged between 10 and 16.
Tel Aviv immediately blamed Hezbollah for the attack, although the group denied any involvement.

Despite other Arab countries urging for restraint in not expanding the conflict, today, on July 28, Israel launched a raid in Lebanon, raising the risk of the Palestinian conflict spreading on a regional scale.

Hezbollah’s Role and Objectives

Since October 2023, Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia led by Hassan Nasrallah, has been a major player in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, opening a second front in the north of Israel in support of Hamas.

Hezbollah has always been a sworn enemy of Tel Aviv.
However, the recent missile attack has raised concerns about the group’s intentions and the possibility of a wider conflict.

Washington, siding with Tel Aviv in attributing the fallen missile to Hezbollah, raises questions about the true target of the attack.
Are we on the brink of war between Israel and Lebanon?

Who Is Hezbollah?

Hezbollah is a Lebanese Islamist paramilitary organization, born in June 1982 during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon.
It later evolved into a Shiite political party.
Led by Hassan Nasrallah, with Iranian support, Hezbollah’s military wing has become one of Lebanon’s most powerful forces.

Inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini, Hezbollah initially carried out suicide attacks but later shifted focus to political goals.
It has become a dominant political force in Lebanon, engaging in activities from taxation to security and social services.

Hezbollah’s Goals and Ideology

Hezbollah’s primary goal is defending Lebanon against Israel and establishing an Islamic state.
While initially aiming for an Iranian-style theocratic state, it now seeks a more inclusive Islamic state in Lebanon.

Considered enemies by Hezbollah are Israel, the US, and ISIS.
The organization views the US as seeking global dominance, while Israel is seen as an oppressor in the region.

Impending Conflict Between Israel and Hezbollah

Following the recent events, including the tragedy in Majdal Shams and Israel’s retaliatory raid in Lebanon, the situation remains highly volatile.
The risk of regional or even international conflict looms large, threatening the fragile balance in the Middle East.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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