
Why Did Ukraine Invade Kursk?

Ukraine’s Incursion into Russian Territory

About two weeks ago, the Ukrainian army invaded Russian territory in Kursk, a region north of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.
President Volodymyr Zelensky recently disclosed the overall strategic objective of the raid, as more Ukrainian troops pour into Russia.

Scope of the Incursion

The Wall Street Journal reported that over 5,000 Ukrainian soldiers are involved in the incursion.
Ukraine claims to have captured 82 settlements in the Kursk region over an area of 1,150 sq km.
Russia has confirmed some of the gains claimed by Ukraine.

Russian Response and Potential Counteroffensive

Russia’s response has been hindered by Ukraine’s destruction of strategic bridges in the area.
The Russian army confirmed the destruction of a second bridge over the river Seym on Sunday.
The Institute of War predicts a Russian counteroffensive to regain the lost territory.

The Russian forces are likely to launch a concerted counteroffensive effort to recapture the territory in the Kursk Oblast that the Ukrainian forces have taken.
However, it is too early to assess when the Russian forces will halt the Ukrainian advances completely and take the initiative on the battlefield to launch such an effort, according to the ISW.

This probable Russian future counteroffensive effort will likely require Russia to commit even more manpower, equipment, and material to Kursk.

Ukrainian Strategic Goals

President Zelensky revealed that the primary objective is to create a buffer zone along the Ukrainian border, protecting the northern part of the country from further attacks.
This includes the establishment of a buffer zone in the aggressor’s territory, as part of the operation in the Kursk region.

Observers speculate that Ukraine may use the captured territory as a bargaining chip in future negotiations, but this will only be possible if the Ukrainian army can hold onto that territory.

International Implications and Risks

This marks the first direct invasion of a nuclear power in history.
Analysts agree that the incursion poses a significant risk for Ukraine, especially as its military capabilities are dwindling.
Whether Ukrainian soldiers will withstand a potential Russian counterattack remains uncertain.

Read more on WSJ: Ukraine behind Nord Stream sabotage
For further insights: Money.it International Edition

Author: Hermes A.I.

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