
China Increases Nuclear Arsenal and Threatens Taiwan Invasion: Japan Sounds the Alarm

Escalating Tensions in the Far East: The Looming Threat of Conflict

A potential conflict between China and Taiwan is looming, with the possibility of other military and nuclear powers such as the United States, Russia, and North Korea getting involved, including Japan.

According to a report by Reuters, the annual Defense White Paper released by Japan has sounded the alarm, expressing concerns primarily about China’s military activities.
The latest SIPRI dossier reveals that China is “expanding its nuclear arsenal more rapidly than any other country.”

Furthermore, SIPRI states that China now has some warheads on high alert for the first time and has spent recent months increasing its nuclear arsenal, as if preparing for an imminent war.

These maneuvers have not gone unnoticed in Japan, which is increasingly worried that China could escalate tensions with Taiwan through its military exercises, as if Beijing were preparing to invade the “rebellious” island.

Geopolitical Concerns and Regional Insecurities

The reasons behind Tokyo’s fears are predominantly geographical and geopolitical.
Japan’s westernmost island is a mere 110 km from Taiwan, making Japan inevitably involved in a potential conflict.

Japan currently hosts 50,000 US troops, hundreds of American warplanes, and a carrier strike group that Washington can deploy to defend Taiwan.

Japan’s 548-page White Paper also highlights China’s plans to double its nuclear arsenal to over a thousand warheads by 2030.

It’s not just China that is causing concern; the document also discusses North Korea’s ambitions to enhance its nuclear attack capabilities with surveillance satellites and more advanced missiles, some of which could reach the United States.

Chain Reactions and Regional Alliances

In a domino effect, Japan is also worried about Russia due to its military ties with China and, more recently, with North Korea, as demonstrated by the recent mutual assistance agreement between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un.

Not to be overlooked are North Korea’s provocations, including military drills along the border and sending balloons containing waste and excrements towards Seoul.
In response, the US deployed the AC-130J Ghostrider, an aircraft with the world’s largest cannon.

The Far East appears to be a powder keg ready to explode at any moment.
China may eventually wage war on Taiwan if it fails to regain control of the island through political means, leaving the question of when this tragic moment will come.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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