Guerra nucleare

Putin threatens NATO with nuclear war if it sends troops to Ukraine

We have been hearing about a possible nuclear war for two years, that is, ever since Russia decided to launch its "special operation" by invading Ukraine and generating a harsh reaction from the West which immediately sided with Kiev.
Fortunately, every prediction of nuclear war has remained such for two years; the question therefore may arise spontaneously: why then should we start to be afraid in the face of yet another threat from Vladimir Putin? During his annual speech to the nation in the presence of deputies of the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin wanted to respond indirectly to Emmanuel Macron who in recent days has suggested sending troops to Ukraine as Russia cannot win this war.
“Attempts at a new intervention in Russia – declared Putin – risk triggering a large-scale conflict with the use of nuclear weapons which will have much more tragic consequences than in past eras”.
The threat is not at all veiled: if NATO, in order not to see Ukraine capitulate – the diplomatic path in the West evidently remains a taboo – is ready to send its troops to the front, then Russia would have nothing left but the extreme rationale of nuclear war.
“Russian strategic nuclear weapons are on high alert – added the Russian president who is preparing to receive a new mandate in the presidential elections in two weeks – the tests on the Burevestnik and Poseidon missiles are almost completed”.
read also Europe is ready for war with Russia: what will Italy do after the Meloni-Zelensky pact? The risk of a nuclear war in Europe Vladimir Putin can hardly be denied on one thing: a nuclear war between Russia and NATO would have catastrophic consequences for all of humanity, with apocalyptic scenarios so far only narrated by Hollywood films.
The current situation certainly doesn't let us sleep peacefully.
Ukraine alone, even if armed to the teeth, cannot defeat Russia which, despite the West's predictions, rejected the summer counteroffensive and is now advancing in Donbass.
NATO doesn't want to deal with Putin and Macron has at least been honest in openly saying that, without sending Western troops, Russia will win the war.
At the moment, however, all Paris' allies have rejected this hypothesis.
However, if in the end this red line is also crossed with NATO soldiers sent to fight alongside the Ukrainians, Vladimir Putin could decide to use some of the thousands of tactical nuclear weapons at his disposal as demonstrated by the recent exercises carried out by the Army Russian.
Hence the concrete risks of a nuclear war, but there is more.
If, as it seems, Donald Trump were to become president of the United States again in November, the US could permanently close the aid taps to Ukraine.
This explains Europe's arms race, aware of the fact that it could soon find itself managing the war in Ukraine alone: yesterday the European Parliament approved a resolution – non-binding which the M5s voted against – to allocate at least 0.25% of each member state's annual GDP for military aid to Kiev.
“The West is trying to drag Russia into a new arms race, wearing us out and repeating the trick they pulled off in the 1980s with the Soviet Union – Vladimir Putin wanted to specify -, but Russia's opponents must remember that it has weapons capable of hitting targets on their territory." Without diplomatic negotiations worthy of the name, the situation in Ukraine would appear to be a lose-lose situation: either Russia achieves a full victory by reaching Kiev, or there is a real risk of nuclear war.
An authentic masterpiece.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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