Meloni government

Pier Silvio Berlusconi Takes Action: Is the Future of the Meloni Government in the Hands of the Referendum?


Pier Silvio Berlusconi: A Potential Political Shift

Pier Silvio Berlusconi is reportedly considering entering the political arena and leading Forza Italia, a move that could dramatically shake the political landscape of the center-right, possibly leading to the collapse of Meloni’s government.
This “bombshell” was revealed by Dagospia, a site known for its reliable political insights.

In the wake of their father Silvio Berlusconi’s passing, his two eldest children have shown increasing interest in Italy’s political affairs.
With Forza Italia facing a substantial debt of €90 million owed to the Berlusconi family, the question of leadership has become crucial.
Both Pier Silvio and his sister Marina are seen as the de facto controllers of the party.

Speculations and Conversations

Recently, Marina Berlusconi held talks with former Prime Minister Mario Draghi, facilitated by Gianni Letta, which indicates a serious consideration of their future in politics.
According to Dagospia, Pier Silvio may be leaning towards taking the reins of his father’s party, with April 2025 suggested as a potential timeline for his political debut.

This would depend significantly on the outcome of the referendum on Autonomy, a critical issue for Veneto but not favored by Forza Italia.
Should the referendum fail, Pier Silvio’s entry into politics could signal the end of Meloni’s government.

What Lies Ahead?

Rumors swirling in the corridors of power suggest that “Giorgia Meloni may enjoy her panettone, but her future remains uncertain.” Encouraged by his wife, Silvia Toffanin, Pier Silvio appears to be preparing for leadership by assembling a network of supporters for his political journey.

If the Autonomy reform is rejected, this could grant Pier Silvio the opportunity to infuse a liberal perspective—especially regarding civil rights, a theme frequently highlighted by his sister—into Forza Italia’s agenda.

The Future of the Government

Without Forza Italia’s support, the government’s stability could be jeopardized, and it seems likely that Giorgia Meloni would refuse to endure a slow political demise, particularly with recent polls showing Fratelli d’Italia surging past 30%.

However, Marina Berlusconi reportedly opposes her brother’s political ambitions, fearing he may be overwhelmed by the current political climate, especially since the family’s companies no longer require rescue.

As Pier Silvio contemplates taking on a significant role or continuing to influence from behind the scenes, the outcome of the Autonomy referendum will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of his political career and the government itself.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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