Giuseppe Valditara

Cell phones banned in schools starting September: here’s what changes

Cell Phone Ban in Schools: What Changes to Expect

The Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara has reportedly signed a circular imposing a definitive ban on cell phone use in schools starting from the upcoming academic year 2024/2025.
While detailed information is still pending as the circular has not been officially released, initial insights suggest significant changes ahead.

During the conference “The Artificial School – Evolutionary Age and Technological Evolution” held in Rome, Minister Valditara announced the upcoming prohibition of cell phone use in schools.
This marks a stricter stance compared to the previous restrictions enforced two years ago, which only limited cell phone usage under specific circumstances.

One key aspect of the new measures is the return to traditional methods with the reintroduction of paper diaries, which had been partially replaced by electronic registers in recent years.

Implications of the Cell Phone Ban

Minister Valditara will enforce a ban on cell phone use in schools, including within classrooms, at least up to middle school level and for educational purposes.
However, the use of tablets and PCs will still be permitted under teacher supervision.

“I have signed a circular prohibiting the use of cell phones for any purpose, including educational, starting from the next academic year,” stated Valditara during the event in Rome.
He emphasized the importance of not allowing cell phones to detract from quality education, highlighting the distinction with tablets and computers, which should be used under teacher guidance.

Minister Valditara also underlined the need to prevent cell phones from becoming tools of dependency, detracting from students’ engagement in real-life communities.

Reviving Paper Diaries

Aside from the cell phone ban, Minister Valditara is reintroducing paper diaries for students, a move diverging from the widespread adoption of electronic registers.

By reinstating paper diaries, the minister aims to reestablish the importance of individual responsibility and empower educators within the school environment.
This shift indicates a broader attempt to restore traditional practices while adapting to evolving educational needs.

As the new regulations come into effect, the specifics regarding the distinctions between school levels and the detailed rules remain to be clarified.
However, the upcoming academic year is projected to witness a notable transformation in school dynamics with the enforcement of these updated directives.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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